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Posts posted by conn-e-rot

  1. I agree completely, EXCEPT, "the people" cannot stop, question, and detain you.

    The 911 operator should have been the first to "educate" the caller, and if further education was needed, then the PO should get involved.

    Imagine the police showing up, finding out who called 911, very politely asking the open carrying citizen to come join their conversation, and also very politely telling the 911 caller that what the person is doing is LEGAL, and is NOT grounds for a 911 call.

    Then, the whole situation would end by thanking the open carrying citizen, and citing the 911 caller with a nice little $100 fine.

    THAT is how this all should have played out!

    That is exactly how it should work

  2. If you guys want to be sheep and let Big Brother walk all over your rights then go right ahead but remember if it wasn't for people like this guy rallying and fighting for your rights in Columbus you would not have that CHL in your wallet. I fully support all of our officers they have a rough shitty job but I do not support officers on a power trip. Whether you agree with what he did or not the fact is he was 100% within his rights and if none of the officers knew that then shame on that department.

    • Upvote 2
  3. If I got pulled over I would simply give ID answer the officers questions and try not to fuel a hostile situation. If I refused to show i.d. acted like a tool and was detained I would most certainly not try to sue anyone..It is not being a sheep it is respecting leo in a job that sucks.

    You completely missed the point

  4. If the cop was responding to a man waving a gun around acting crazy the suspect would have been greeted with guns drawn on him behind cover. I see nothing wrong with how he was asked for I.D. can you not admit this guy was out to try to prove a point at what ever cost?

    Maybe his whole intention was to prove that Riverside officers are not properly trained. Which he did a good job of proving.

  5. If you are a young black man driving a pimped out car in a nice neighborhood and get pulled over and react the same way this guy did then you deserve to get hassled.. If you comply and show I.D. with a non aggressive demeanor you would be on your way soon I bet. Act like a dick get treated like one...

    Really??? Ok then so if you drove a beat up old pick up through a rich black neighborhood than you deserve to be pulled over for being white in a rich black neighborhood?

  6. If I was a properly trained LEO no I would not have acted the same way that they did bad neighborhood or not it doesn't matter. That logic is no different than pulling over a black man wearing a du-rag driving a pimped out cutlass just because he's black and in a rich white neighborhood. If the cops were properly trained which obviously they were not then they would have know how to respond.

  7. That is flatly 100% wrong.

    The cops can absolutely stop you and ask for you to provide identification, because there is nothing incriminating about providing identification.

    If you're carrying a firearm, the police have every right to make sure you're doing so legally. If you're not a felon, and you cooperate, they ought to send you on your way. If they don't, THEN you have a reason to be irritated.

    that's not to say they won't read you the riot act for being a fucking moron and inviting scrutiny by carrying a gun in a situation where you're damn well aware it's going to cause people to freak out.

    Case-in-point, I can walk around telling people "the devil is coming," and acting all kinds of crazy. That doesn't mean people won't call the cops out of concern. Or even more parallel, if I was walking around carrying a knife in my hand, or hanging prominently on my belt. You're telling me you wouldn't be concerned if some stranger was visibly armed?

    If it's a knife over 3" in most of Ohio than chances are it'd be illegal but open carrying a firearm is not illegal. They have no more right to ask me for identification for carrying a firearm than the do if I was carrying a baseball bat. Would things have been different had he showed them ID possibly but since they feel they did no wrong I doubt it would've been much different. Now unfortunately they will learn an expensive lesson.

  8. Ok so leave the little country city you live in where the cops know you and try to open carry. I would bet you make it five mins in cleveland in the same situation at 4am with a man with a gun call in a gas station before you are face down with zip ties on you with a cop on your back. Is it right? Hell no! will it happen most likely. Am I going to push the limits and bring my recording device in with me to get it all on tape and sue for lots of money? NO! I have my chl and will just go in concealed and by pass all the drama this guy seems to try to draw to himself. YES his rights may have been violated but he goes out of his way to try to provoke this action which is a dick move. That is the other side of this story. Which you seem to be missing.

    Cleveland has already had their share of the lawsuits I think they would handle this situation entirely different now than Dayton did maybe after their pockets are a little lighter Dayton will retrain their officers.

  9. I used rain-x + a defogger last year and it worked just fine. I just need to get up to my dads house sometime to reapply it for this season.

    I don't know what the negative effects are but they say rainx is not for use on plastic or plexiglass including motorcycle windshields & helmet visors

  10. everyone with a motorcycle endorsement needs to read this and remember it, because the dolt behind the counter could not care less whether or not she puts your endorsement back on your license.

    you'd think it would be automatic, but you'd be wrong.

    when you renew your license, check it before you leave, or better yet mention the endorsement when you hit the counter.

    more than 6 months and you get to start all over again: temps, driving test, annoyance, elevated hatred of the BMV, etc...

    Yes because once you walk out the door you're fucked if it isn't on there

  11. The ladies here always make a point to tell everyone to check all info and make sure everything is correct so that this does not happen. Motorcycles, boats and non-commercial trailers are exempt from the $20 fee if your renewal is in winter months and they prorate the cost when you do renew.

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