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Everything posted by conn-e-rot

  1. Never had anyone of my friends or family say anything about my guns. My kids know how to shoot and they respect guns they also know where the loaded guns are if someone should ever break in and we are not home and they have been instructed to point and squeeze the trigger until it stops firing.
  2. I have kel-tec p3at carry it all the time when on the bike and no one ever knows
  3. they were going to limit the top speed until the companies stepped up and agreed on 186... I don't know if that is the case with the HP I remember seeing it some where but I don't remember where it might have been some random crap in another rumor about the bike
  4. I really want one of these to put in my yard
  5. If it's correct I'm gonna have to do some ass kissing at home
  6. There are way too many rumors out there right now as to what it's going to be we won't know for sure until October 10th
  7. And this coming from the cop on the R1
  8. If it's true I'll be in line at the dealership
  9. I believe 200hp is the limit the government will allow on factory bikes
  10. I think all ricers are a pain in my ass because they always wanna race
  11. I was young and dumb back then if his gun had been loaded I might not be here now but it was a chance I took if it were to happen today he wouldn't need to worry about children because there would be no 10 second warning.
  12. Just a normal open house I thought I never did find out who he was looking for he left too fast.
  13. I'm guessing for the squids
  14. 1995 I was at an open house for a friend of a friend when her jealous boyfriend pulled a gun and put it to my head and said he was going to shoot me because he heard I liked his girl (who I had never met until this day) I informed him that he had 10 seconds to shoot me before I blew his balls off. He looked down and saw I had a gun pointed at his crotch. He started crying and yelling whoa bro whoa don't shoot don't shoot it's not loaded and he dropped the mag out of his gun there was not one shell in it. He no longer owned a gun. 1995 I was running a beer distributor in PA it was in an old service station building we had two overhead doors and a man door. I had turned the lights off and left the overhead doors open because it was hot. I was sitting in the office counting the money so I could go make a cash drop. I looked up and two guys were standing in front of the office window looking at me. I drew my gun and placed it on the counter in front of me and went back to counting the money. They did not stay. Three nights later someone broke in and stole 3 cases of beer.
  15. Always always always report they need records of crimes prevented by CHL holders too
  16. Yes if someone walked up to me and pointed a gun at me or my family or you for that matter when we were minding our own business just eating in some restaurant I would be justified in shooting and stopping him. Yes I would be questioned by the police but it would be a clean shoot.
  17. If I pulled my gun he's getting shot repeatedly no what if about it.... If he doesn't intend to shoot someone then he shouldn't be pointing a gun at people.
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