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Everything posted by conn-e-rot

  1. I'm always willing to do a Kinzua ride whenever you guys wanna go I know the area fairly decent but I'm not as fun to follow as Lost1888 is.
  2. Wow I rode with him and Lost1888 home from the '09 meet and greet he was a great guy and one hell of a rider.
  3. What are you offering in exchange for said purchase?
  4. http://fingerfish.com/2011/08/01/google-chrome-opera-firefox-users-smarter-than-internet-explorer-users/
  5. http://www.break.com/index/father-and-son-survive-being-thrown-from-car-2118270
  6. I'm confused by all of this....I have no trouble doing power wheelies
  7. I just had a car hit a piece of tread on my way to Sturgis in Iowa luckily I saw it coming and moved or it would have hit me center chest.
  8. These are cheap guys I want them gone so I have my shed space back
  9. Bump I lowered the prices
  10. I wouldn't go back to that shop again if you paid $400 they raped you
  11. Still got these any offers?
  12. Paid for and delivered-- Lock it up Now to pick up my new toy
  13. SOLD -- pending delivery
  14. Oh and deadwood is busy as hell too
  15. If they avoid Sturgis it won't be too bad but they might get stuck in some traffic jams and don't plan on getting any where fast.
  16. well it's going to be crowded Tell them to make sure they go to badlands, devil's tower, bear butte & custer state park (if they want to see the buffalo)
  17. I am leaving for sturgis on Monday
  18. It will be busy and hotels will be high if they can get one
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