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Everything posted by conn-e-rot

  1. And those $150 t-shirts work great for rags after they shrink 4 sizes.... I will keep going to IP every year and keep spending too much money when I go... going to IP is how I found out about ORDN
  2. I usually go down there at least twice a year no where else you can go and have practically every brand to try on and look over and the clearance section rocks
  3. Check your local walmart mine is selling mobil 1 motorcycle oils for $9/qt
  4. There is a video like this with the guy on a zx14 doing that shit
  5. I switched to allstate after talking with an agent at the cleveland motorcycle show and he cut my bike insurance premium in half and I have better coverage. $23.08 a month for zx14!! Car insurance went up $20/month but I had very low coverage before. Homeowners went up $102/year but I have much better coverage on all and only paying $102 more a year.
  6. ZX14 or Busa I've done 776 on mine in a day and was not sore at all the next morning
  7. conn-e-rot

    My first gun

    all u need is a cheap pocket holster or cheap uncle mikes i always have cheap uncle mikes in car in case i have to leave weapon.... removing comp tac in car is PIA
  8. you might have to do the ghetto charge trick... you have to cut usb cable and touch wires.... its on the forums
  9. conn-e-rot

    My first gun

    Gun must be in a holster in a car even if its in your pocket... would get u improper handling of a firearm which is a 4th degree felony offense and your permit would probably be swiftly revoked
  10. Have you looked at this write up? http://www.droidforums.net/forum/droid-x-hacks/68222-unbricking-your-droid-x.html
  11. Yes losing your phone sucks
  12. all mine would do was continuously reboot it would not stay on at all couldnt get further than the droid eye and they fixed it
  13. My original droid locked up when they sent out an upgrade wouldn't do a thing and I took it in and they restored it some how the guy said I'd prolly lose every app but they all came right back when I logged into google account..... But difference is mine are not rooted
  14. Take it to verizon let them restore it
  15. Have you tried booting with the memory card removed?
  16. from android forums: Hear is solution that worked for me with some tech assistance from Verizon.. Power OFF DEVICE... 1. Hold Home Button and press power 2. Screen will show a Android with a triangle with astrick 3. Let Go of Home Button and Power 4. Press Search Button (Far Left Button) 5. A blue menu will show at top of page, scroll to Format Device 6. Select Yes to verify 7. Allow format to complete (Information at bottom of page will go through a few steps) 8. Once Format is complete Blue Menu will show at top again, select Reboot 9. Sometimes phone hangs after rebot and will take a while but if no responce after 5 - 10 minutes, pull the battery and reinsert. (Device usually starts fine after this) Another thing I figured out is that if you are using the new option under Settings/Privacy that says "Back up my data", this feature can cause a number of issues to keep returning even after a hard reset because if your issue was a setting or a app that caused your issue, when you hard resetthe device this feature will restore all the settings and app back on device after restore that will automatically bring issue back. This feature is a nice ideal but until you are sure that everything is compatible it may not be wise to enable this feature because it will make issues go away after hard reset but also cause issue to return shortly after because the system will restore the other files that usually caused the original issue.
  17. If it fits and does not rub under load my thinking is any spare is better than no spare... use it to get you through until you can buy a proper one.
  18. Wow I didn't realize I was posting in a gladiator thread... sorry my bad
  19. The only downfall with the "spare" car tires is they are temporary and some don't last long others are really hard and last forever I would think in a pinch it would get you to where you could get it changed out with no problems.
  20. I believe walmart also sells trailer tires
  21. Way to ruin the thread with reality
  22. Now that's one smart prince
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