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Everything posted by conn-e-rot

  1. That would be flashlight batteries not automobile batteries
  2. I only run interstate I had one several years ago freeze solid to the point sides were bulged out when my car was parked for the winter. I took it inside and let it thaw put it on the charger and used it another 3 years with no issues
  3. I would agree that he might be better off on a busa than if he got liter bike. The big couches can be a bit more forgiving than liter bike. Maybe check with the busa forums and see if there is a way to lock it in "C" mode then he would have the busa but not all the power. On the other hand if he truly has no respect for the law or speed it isn't going to matter what bike he is on eventually he'll either get arrested or hurt or worse yet hurt some innocent person.
  4. It was so heavy they thought it was a couch ??
  5. When I worked in Juvenile detention I'm pretty sure we were told that over the age of consent the child had to say it wasn't consensual for any charges to be filed.
  6. See my french is the opposite she wants to play non stop then she crashes and naps then back at it again but she is only a year old
  7. Bought my vision may 29th I've got a little over 9k on it since I'll post total for the year on Dec 31st
  8. Really? You see nothing wrong with him mocking a disabled girl?
  9. If anyone knows or sees this guy he deserves an ass kicking http://www.andersoncooper.com/2012/10/04/anderson-and-co-host-andy-cohen-discuss-dad-bullying-a-disabled-child
  10. Got this last night it's the first tattoo I've got that actually tickled to the point that I was laughing very weird sensation.
  11. A lot of that stuff is propelled by butane
  12. Have you tried blocking the pair valve yet? That may help with your popping. If Brian isn't in your budget then save money until he is you get what you pay for.
  13. Might want to try local Chinese restaurants
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