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Everything posted by conn-e-rot

  1. http://www.ammoland.com/2012/06/12/wisconsins-first-ccw-self-defense-case/#ixzz1xc6auRZU
  2. I have AVG on desktop but put Avast on the laptop both seem fine but I think Avast scans a bit faster.
  3. Bump Come on guys two items left send me some offers I want them gone.
  4. Yes guys I traded the flying couch for a glider rocker

  5. I usually order mine from www.compacc.com or www.motosport.com
  6. Contact Hoblick he is member on here
  7. I don't need them right now just by end of July do you have a price?
  8. You have to let them have fun and be kids and you want them to know that if they ask your permission for stuff like this there is a good chance you will allow it otherwise they will stop asking and stop talking to you about what is going on in their life. I rebelled as a teenager because my parents were too strict and I wasn't allowed do anything so I just stopped asking and did what I wanted. My daughter is 15 1/2 now just got her permit yesterday she knows her boundaries and rules and doesn't risk crossing them because she values her freedom and our trust. If she leaves for a friends house I know she is where she said she will be and if she leaves even to walk to the store down the road she texts us.
  9. they are yours if you need them
  10. Hey C-bus if you decide you want pipes or other goodies check out this site http://buywitchdoctors.com/ he's in Warren, OH and I talked to him about the pipes yesterday and he said if I ride down there he will install free. They have some sound clips on youtube sound pretty good and under $300. I am getting mine on Friday.
  11. I had a virago years ago They say the vision is the best handling touring bike on the market but not sure I buy that I've seen some wingers really fly through the twisties but it will hold it's own and I am by no means a pro rider.
  12. I even have some spools for a kawi if you need them
  13. Bump updated prices
  14. Well I won't give it away but I'll tell you what give me $120 and you get both and I can probably get them to Stow for you for free.
  15. One thing I see he did wrong is he didn't drop the scumbag
  16. I let my daughter get highlights at 12 but she was not allowed make-up until 14 and then only eye make-up. She out grew the highlight stage in a couple months.
  17. Do you carry dunlop elite 3 tires in 130/70R18 and 180/60R16?
  18. I wanted comfort and I'd like to be able to take the boy or the wife on some long trips
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