So heres the deal: Went to the pony last weekend and bought new LED signals for the 500. I wasn't thinking when I got all 4, that I'd need some load equalizers. So i started to wire without the le's. Once i got the back two LEDs on all worked fine (albeit fast blinking). I hooked up the fronts expecting to have it work the same way. but when i tried, they all flashed hazards when the bike is on. But they don't flash at all w/o it on, where it did before. So i unhooked one and put the original back on. The signal works fast for the side that has 2 leds on it... (if 2 leds on right, right side signals ok turning right. but if you try the left, all four flash again. left side 2 leds, left ok, right not so ok.) The load Equalizers did not seem to help hooking them both to the back signals... Any suggestions? I tired it last night, but got fed up with it. I will try front ones tonight if it would make a diff.