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Big Speazy

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Everything posted by Big Speazy

  1. I've still got the GS500F, great bike to start out on... but we might be trying to get my mom to try that one out. I'll let ya know Plus its already got OR stickers on it, so that means he'll hafta join the board. haha
  2. Big Speazy

    Scam ??

    he looks legit to me.
  3. i used www.myxertones.com you gotta upload the music first, then cut it down to what you want. Its easy to use, but verizon makes you save it on your computer, then email it to yourself.
  4. Its F for For F***s sake let's get this F-ing things wheels moving... fyi.

  5. where are the pedals?
  6. I'm always up for some sportbike, poker-run, mohican adventure, $10 food crashing events. Plus I'm close to this... haha
  7. Big Speazy


    saw it the other night. wouldn't recommend paying the nearly 10$ to see it in a theater, but maybe one of those $1 theater/ one night rental shanties.
  8. wish i woulda known about the ride after, i wouldn't have bolted. but i didn't get my food i ordered so i was damn hungry. thanks again for puttin it on guys, good to see some of the faces of the board.
  9. Hey everybody, Me and homer were lookin' into going out for like a 4 day weekend ride sometime in August, and I'm kinda stumped as to what roads we should take. I'm def. looking out of state since I don't get many times to get out of here. Basically I'm looking for some ideas, input, or anyone else that might be up to go along. With us its kind of a go on the fly type deal: where to eat, what to do (besides ride), hotels... well that'll be that last part of our planning.. hah What I'm lookin at right now: Down to Dragon and Back http://maps.google.com/maps?f=d&source=s_d&saddr=columbus,+oh&daddr=robbinsville,+nc+to:Asheville,+NC+to:hickory,+nc+to:columbus,+oh&geocode=&hl=en&mra=ls&dirflg=t&sll=37.60548,-83.59294&sspn=8.283948,14.084473&ie=UTF8&ll=37.614231,-82.683105&spn=8.282017,14.084473&z=6 or to the Atlantic and back, but i don't know where to go on the eastern seaboard... thoughts?
  10. if not he's not a very good cousin.
  11. Neg's Urban Sports http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l8CEzILvtg8 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WdkZbZvtFBk http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W4elKqqa53Y http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=86Fpd5HibiQ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0TrSNQQUxQM http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QV_RcAwIaBI
  12. sorry moose, didn't wake up until too late. Made the mistake of going for a late night ride and beer...
  13. Will be there. dad's stoked. (apparently)
  14. looks like I'll be down, how long does this go until? Nevermind I see the time... d'oh
  15. Shoulda windmilled... there's no good defense to a windmill.
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