So 99.7 plays this ad daily like all day and I finally pulled up their website. Anyone use them? Basically you get razors shipped free, a free handle(not sure if they interchange with any store bought ones), for a price. There are 3 options, 2 blade, 4 blade, and 6 blade, varying prices, etc. But when I looked, it was substantially cheaper than Kroger, Costco, Wally, everything. The 6 blade is 9.00 a month but that's 3 blades per month too, the 4 blade was 4 razors a month at 6.00, and those included shipping. I don't shave daily, and would never go through this many razor blades I don't think but I mean, just save up for a year or 2 and cancel, then be set for like another year, etc. Anyone ever try this?