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Posts posted by swingset

  1. Here you go, please watch. I posted this in another thread. At the end is a very good axample as to why we should have the right to have 1, or 10, 20, or however many I wish to own. Is it common for riots or life threatening situations to accur that would require one or many? Nope. Is it it possible? You damn right it's possible. I hope you never find yourself in that situation, but what are you going to do if you do? Talk your way out of it?

    If there's one person who could drive a crowd of people to despair, apathy and make them want to just give up on life just by droning on, it would be Magz.

    I actually concede, he might be the one living person who could talk his way out of harm by the sheer mind-numbing stupidity of his ramblings.

  2. sounds fancy

    It meets or beats the MegaDry9000 with particle beam moisture detonation and missle-guided rust prevention.

    Seriously, some people are waaaaay fucking anal about this. Guns aren't made of Egyptian Scrolls from the 1st Dynasty. They're metal, plastic, some wood here and there....keep them fairly dry and they'll still be there when you open the safe, without any barnacles or rust formations.

    My outside humidity in my basement is 55-70%, inside the safe with a desiccant and rope lights it's usually 50%. No issues, none.

  3. Having someone to blame (the shooter) is of no consolation to the families of those killed nor will it do anything to prevent futures shooting - you cannot legislate away murderous intent - therefore the rest of us have to inconvenience ourselves with gun restrictions. (no full auto, NICS checks at gun stores etc)

    Collective responsibility is a fascist concept, especially when justifying infringement on civil liberties. I think it's absurd for us to pay for the "what ifs" and misdeeds of others in order for us to own or possess legal, constitutionally protected items.

    Especially in cases like the recent shooting where 41 existing laws were broken, including theft and possession of guns - and the knee-jerk response is to enact more laws?

    That's the definition of insanity, and it neither keeps anyone safe nor prevents the violence from re-occurring.

    We don't need more laws, we need fewer restrictions on the law abiding to protect themselves. Gun ownership is at a record high, CCW laws widening and carrying at an all time high, and violence is going down not up.

  4. Just because I know how much some love new threads pertaining to guns.

    Out of the 2,513,171 deaths in 2011, only 32,163 involved a firearm. 19,766 of those were self inflicted.


    And the bulk of the remaining gun deaths were gun/drug related.

    Factor all that bullshit out, and unless you're dealing in the ghetto gun crime in this nation is on par with most of Europe....where the liberals assure us hugs and fairies dwell.

  5. I disagree in principle with any further restrictions on guns for this simple reason - 50 years ago guns were cheap, plentiful, able to be bought and ordered by mail, and few people if any locked them in industrial safes or with super child-proof locks. Most people had them in closets and open cabinets. Children brought rifles to school for rifle club, or hunting after class was out.

    School shootings, and youth violence in general, was rare compared to today.

    It ain't the guns, and the more we focus on the tools the further we get away from the real issues.

    Yeah, draconian restrictions might even make a dent in GUN violence, but it just shifts it (see England), while never addressing WHY people are going off the reservation.

    It's playing into the hands of people like Magz, who believe guns are imbued with evil spirits that compel people to act out violently by holding them or having access to them.

    That's just bad thinking to vilify and politicize inanimate objects.

    • Upvote 2
  6. really? My coworker ordered all his stuff there, he is who told me about them actually. Multiple purchases and always have them in a few days shipped free.

    Man I hope I didn't get screwed, I'm hitting FFF in Ashland the weekend after Christmas for some shooting anyways, so maybe grab some stuff there if they have any left by then.

    Thanks for heads up, I will post how it goes.

    Botach is really hit or miss. If they have it in stock, usually you're good to go. If they don't, you may get it two months from now, or not at all.

  7. I am not bustin' balls. I was just curious to his reason. I am all for people buying fully-automatic' date=' 11ty billion round magazine rifles. I am 100% in the tank for "Shall. Not. Be. Infringed."

    So.. lighten up. :dunno:[/quote']

    I wasn't heavy.

    BTW, anyone looking for AR's Buckeye Outdoors still have plenty in stock. Get there early, take a number, go to lunch, come back and you'll still be waiting...but they have 'em.

    CDNN has Sig 556's on sale right now, if you want something different.

    Bud's Guns still has quite a few models in stock, too.

  8. is there anything you can put inside a safe that will draw out humidity, kinda like the inverse of a cigar humidor?

    Yup, powered Goldenrod is a common device.

    But, really any dessicant works just fine if the safe seals well (Crystal Kitty Litter in a sock is cheap and very effective). That's what I have in my safe, it's been in a basement, and has kept the higher humidity levels from the outside air at bay. I've had guns stored in that safe for 15 years now, no issues.

    I also added some rope lights, which and also illuminate the safe's contents.

  9. Wouldn't own a safe unless it can be bolted to a concrete floor or secured to make removal a demo job...otherwise it's a mobile gun case to a couple thieves with a dolly.

    Also, never store any tools in the house or garage that aids in getting into a safe.

    When I have the means, I'm building a false room to hide the safe and placing a cheaper dummy with a couple plinkers as a decoy.

  10. All for this but to play devils advocate. Criminal children are smart, I would think they would figure out who is carrying and go from there.

    Also when one of these kids go off the reservation who is to say that a teacher won't do any dammage to the children, or even cause harm to a legitimate visitor to the school. That's a lot of confusion going on there. But then again I don't know the school policies.

    Is that a problem in Israel, or Peru, or the Philippines...teachers and/or staff have been armed there for quite a while?

  11. We don't hold our police officers accountable for our safety. Why would we ask that very thing from our school teachers? They're educators. They're not mercenaries.

    side note: I believe teachers should be allowed to carry for their own protection' date=' if they feel the need.[/quote']

    But that has an ancillary benefit. Would you march into a gun show to kill the guy there that is unarmed and you have a beef with? I'd bet not.

    If teachers were armed, or volunteer watchdogs, or staff, or whoever it creates a tangible barrier to anyone wanting to walk in and light the place up.

    And, by virtue, it protects the children.

    Isn't that the whole idea?

    We don't need to make soldiers out of educators, we need to change the reality that schools are risk-free killing zones.

    That's why they're being targeted, and not government buildings, or police stations.

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