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Posts posted by swingset

  1. Write ODOT and complain, write your state senator and congressman and do the same - make it heavy on safety and traction, and the negative effects on handling for us that ride motorcycles.

    I've done that very thing, and received positive replies. It's a budget move, but they're spending federal highway money liberally right now there's no reason to compromise safety on state routes - especially when other states with less budget to play with than ours do not ruin their state routes with chip/seal.

  2. I was just there as they were cleaning up. Sorry to hear, but glad he'll be ok.

    I always double check before rolling through any intersection that someone isn't coming hot from the stopped directions. You can be in the right, but still end up dead.

  3. I can't understand why they would pave a road with that crap.

    It's cheap, and will go longer in between resurfacing.

    Infuriates me that they would pave a state route with it, but they're doing it.

    How about Kentucky or West Virginia for good roads?

    There aren't too many bad roads in WV. Kentucky runs the gamut, some good, some bad, all kinds of conditions but WV keeps up their state routes for the most part.

  4. Sorry about your luck, but just because you might not know how to use them properly doesn't mean they are a waste not worth a try.

    A little penetrating oil before extracting if need be and I have never had a single problem. If it's really that stuck I try to drill the remaining bolt/screw completely through it's center with a small bit, then use the extractor and this has work well for me also.

    Bottom line....they wouldn't make them if they didn't work.

    How are those penis pills working out for you?


    EZ Outs suck for seized bolts. Seen them used properly many times in our shop and had them snap. They only work on stripped bolts in my experience.

    A left handed drill bit, heat and patience work much better on seized stuff...with less room for "oh fuck".

  5. Wow... you are a Republican talking point machine over there.

    50% pay no FEDERAL taxes due to them being elderly or "working poor", but most of that 50% very well do pay taxes.


    As was pointed out earlier... do you take the standard deductions when you file your taxes? Mortgage interest? Then you're a welfare queen buddy.

    And you're a google-liberal article posting machine.

    You bellow on, but admit to my claim. 50% of the country pays no federal tax. And, that's because they're subsidized by the taxation of others (including corporations). That's in addition to the litany of entitlement programs, assistance, direct welfare and other programs which fund those with the taxation of another.

    I never said they pay none whatsoever. They pay no federal income tax which is often the bulk of the taxation on an individual. I'm not blaming them, I'm pointing it out because you seem to believe that a corporation that escapes high taxation is evil, even if they pay thousands of taxpayers and leech money into the economy...and they escape their taxation by the same mechanisms that you think I'd be a welfare leech for using.

    Your premise that a person who takes a deduction is a welfare leech is moronic, btw. I'm paying LESS of my earned income by decision of the government, not being PAID that amount. Someone who pays nothing is being subsidized by someone else. Someone who is on food stamps is being paid by someone else.

    A person that pays a reduced tax based on the tax code isn't taking from someone else....they merely put less in by favor of the government...but the tax is still there (just like the corporate tax rate). And as many have found out a deduction can be revoked or expire and you will merely pay that amount at a later time. It's not a static term of perpetuity, it's a discount which may disappear or a loan which must be paid at a later time.

  6. Some get them... like huge conglomerates who benefit the most from the this consumer driven economy, but then take all the spoils out of this country (on paper only)... yea that's fair.

    The "spoils" as you put it are corporate profits, and what doesn't fund expansion, growth or innovation is owed to the investors. If those investors are overseas, great. If they're here? They get taxed on those dividends. Those evil investors carry all the risk with their own money, and when things go well there are more jobs and more industry for people...and if they put too much of it overseas you can choose to not fund them with your dollars....which is how all corporations are fueled. Your problem seems to be with people who fund corporations instead of the corps themselves. They don't feed themselves.

    I'm not playing stupid, you'll have to clarify your exact definition of welfare because if you think corporate taxes are mostly going to pay "lazy people who just collect a check everything for nothing" -- then you're more ignorant than I thought.

    All taxes are mostly going to pay for our welfare state. The government uses its revenue collected to pay out to those OTHER folks who magically don't pay taxes and escape your scorn - the 50% of the nation who escape having any skin in the game. You can quibble like a retarded child about the definition of welfare, but it's patently obvious that when half of our nation is either let off the hook, carried completely, or otherwise assisted by the money of others, they're "welfare".

    I agree with you now. You're not playing stupid.

  7. The point was.. the ACTUAL tax rate is pretty meaningless. Why even bother with that number? Kind of like how the MSRP on a vehicle is meaningless, who pays MSRP for anything? That's just an artificial starting point to brag to your buddies what a great deal you got.

    I didn't realize you have an expanded definition of welfare... you literally mean welfare, as in the military is welfare because it protects the welfare state? That's kind of a broad definition and useless to make your point isn't it? :dunno:

    The tax rate is the tax rate. It's like the price of gas. If it's $4.00 a gallon but some people have a coupon, it's still $4.00 a gallon. Those breaks and deferments aren't for everyone. Some get them, some don't, and yes the average puts the numbers lower but the rate isn't low and the escape from that rate isn't fixed either - it can be changed, revoked, added to or subtracted - much like a coupon, but the price remains because the statutory rate is the code.

    By welfare, I mean government assistance. Play stupid if you want. I'm not going to play handball with the drapes.

  8. Respouting Republican talking points without the research... love it.



    ZOMFG!! All these taxes... these poor corporations that have to pay them. Wait, no they don't. http://ctj.org/corporatetaxdodgers/

    Finally, I especially want to see the data that shows that most corporate taxes go to ACTUAL welfare. You can't cite "my butt" as a reliable source of information.

    Oh lookee, a graph that uses "effective" tax rate instead of statutory. The ACTUAL tax rate IS higher in the US. It's not untrue, it's not lie. Yes, there are diversionary ways that some corps are offered (by the government, btw, not stolen by the corporations) that can lower that rate, but it is a fixed amount, and it is one of the highest in the developed world.

    And, I agree that some corps don't pay taxes for various reasons - much like Tim Geitner doesn't for some reason. But the overwhelming majority of them do, and even those that do don't actually pay the taxes - we do as consumers and users of their service. Raise them, and we all pay. That's a heady concept to explain to a liberal, but it happens to be true.

    On where those taxes go, the reason that corporate taxes go to actual welfare is that all taxes go towards actual welfare, which doesn't need citation. All taxes fund the bloated welfare state, which is a huge chunk of the government. Duh.

    Now, turn that Rage Against the Machine on your Ipod up, and fume for a while about "The Man", if you want. It's obviously doing you good.

  9. Hey drc, wanna have some real fun. Look up how much money is spent on corporate welfare compared to social welfare. But somehow even when faced with the facts people keep banging that "capitalism" drum.

    That you use the term corporate welfare is a telling thing (as if we haven't figured out your talking points yet). Tax breaks do not equal welfare...but I'd bet that's the bulk of your perception and "statistics". A town or state offering a tax break to entice a company to bring jobs and revenue into their area isn't welfare.

    Let's talk about corporate taxes, which are higher in the US than almost all of the industrialized world. And where do those taxes go? Mostly to the ACTUAL welfare. Oh, and that high rate also chases a lot of jobs overseas where the corps can do business easier.

  10. Medical shouldn't be an industry, it should be a service.

    I hear you, comrade.

    Now, go to your local government office where they have a monopoly on whatever service you need....DMV, social security office, county health department and soak in the efficiency and awesome treatment you receive. Pay attention the plethora of waste, the long lines, the frustration and incompetence. Oh, look, everyone here looks like a diversity poster! Isn't this magical? Oh, look over there, that lady is asleep at her desk and there's only one window open for 35 of us.

    Now, that's gonna be your trip to the doctor for routine care when your infantile desires come to fruition.

    Again, I've lived that bullshit. Healthcare is not served by becoming an arm of a fucked up government...a government, btw, that might be in the hands of politicians completely different than the ones we have right now. Even if you trust THESE fucktards to do it right (they won't), do you trust every government from here on out?

    If so, you're fucking dumb.

    • Upvote 1
  11. Yeah, and they've failed miserably. It merely shifts the harm and damage, but the damage is still there. There's no free healthcare, and when you play this retard shell game you merely put the burden onto someone who will have to shoulder the increase, or in the case of business provides less pay, less benefits, or won't hire you to begin with (or lays you off).

    Your Bruce Springsteen, Karl Marx sympathies not withstanding, this is just a completely fucked up piece of legislation that's already having waves of negative impacts, and it's not even implemented yet.

    It's going to fuck you, if you have any plans on holding down a good job or creating one. And, guess what? Even if you don't have those aspirations and want to play Xbox and smoke weed, it's still going to fuck you because it's going to negatively impact the care you DO get when you get sick. This will hurt the medical industry.

  12. The only reason you guys are arguing about this is because large corporations have put millions of dollars into advertising to make this seem like a bad idea. Why? Because they are not interested in making life better for the common man. They are only interested in protecting their profits. And you ask "what's so wrong with that it's capitalism right?". I don't want for profit healthcare any more than I want for profit prisons. It's not a good thing.

    Profit drives innovation, and lowers costs. When you control the costs, by restriction, you get shitty care because no one wants to invest in medicine...no one wants to slave away in medical school to make crap wages, no one wants to build hospitals and the best care because it's a money pit. It's why our "for profit" healthcare system is as good as it is, even with the burdens of government fucking it in the asshole.

    I've lived in a country with pure socialized medicine. Have you? I opted to pay above and beyond the government provided care when I was sick, because the government's version was so shitty. Yeah, I went for profit rather than non-profit, and anyone with a brain and a paycheck did too.

    Anyway, Che, what were we talking about?

    This legislation is bad, not just because it's a horrible precedent to set, but because it's going to make things bad on people disproportionately more than it will help anyone. It's already fucking up healthcare, raising costs and adding mountains of burdensome bureaucracy, and wasn't that was it was supposed to fix?

  13. And the amateur constitutional scholars come out again.... clearly the supreme court of the united states disagrees with your assessment regarding the constitutionality of this law...

    And they got it grossly, inconceivably wrong about imminent domain too. Political fucktards acting political. Doesn't change that in this case the idea of government superseding the states and individual rights to force you to purchase a product is so overwhelmingly anti-American that a 3rd grader could comprehend it. What's your excuse?

    Oh, you want someone to pay for your needs so it's ok. Gotcha. Can you imagine how in the hands of an administration that runs counter to your way of thinking this precedent could be very bad for you? That's the real danger here. The USSC has just affirmed that the federal government can force you to do just about anything, if the perception of greater good triumphs and congress slams it through.

    Have you read a single thing the Founding Fathers ever said or thought about these types of issues?

    You think they fought for all this so the Federal Government could be this powerful? They BARELY ratified the constitution as it was, because of the magnitude of the Federal power. We wouldn't even have a country if any of the states could envision what happened today.

    • Upvote 3
  14. equate, no, compare yes... you must admit it is similar...

    No, not similar at all. Federal government forcing by punishment a purchase of a private product, merely because you exist? That's not even in the same ballpark as automotive insurance - and for fuck's sure isn't remotely similar when it comes to the scope and limits of power as defined by a very straightforward constitution.

    • Upvote 2
  15. thank you wikipedia


    socialism has other definitions, too... but it doesn't stop the conservative base from labeling everything the government does that they don't like "socialism" and depending on that age old connection to "communism" and the stigma attached to communism by the old ussr...

    This conservative just calls it tyranny by statism. It's got the stink of socialism on it, but it's actually more rotten.

    When you have a government compelling a person by tax/fine and punishment to purchase a private product, it's something utterly new and entirely out of the scope of anything the Federal Government has ever been able to do....wholly and grossly out of bounds for the concepts this nation was founded on.

    It's not a matter of "not liking it", it wouldn't' matter if it directly benefits most of the people in this nation (it will not, in fact it will harm far more than it ever helps), it's disgustingly in violation of the concept of individual freedom. The Founding Fathers could power a fucking city with the force they're spinning at right now.

  16. grass-grazed cream, whole fruits, and fair-trade vanilla

    I can taste the hay in every drop of grassy cream. And, we'll have none of those half fruits (we have enough of those on OR). Fair trade vanilla...mmm...you don't get the subtle, woodsy bouquet of an equitable bargain in just any old ice cream.

    I kind of hope there's trace rat feces in every scoop, just to punish whoever describes and enjoys foods with such grandiose adjectives.

  17. they are all over the place because people think its cool to tear down the woods to put in some crappy condos and a walmart... just what we need... good call guy! wal mart is SO MUCH BETTER than woods :rolleyes:

    I've never had a walmart run out in front of me, just sayin.

    And, you can buy bullets there to kill more deer, so it's an awesome place.

  18. so i called iron pony and spoke with a girl named Mandy. she was very nice and helpful but i have found that they do not carry the jacket either.

    I really like this jacket but also really want to try it on.

    Does anyone have this jacket?

    You're probably not going to find that jacket sitting around. It appears to be a discontinued item, not in the current Astars lineup.

    Revzilla has it on clearance.


    Buy it, they have good return policies if it doesn't fit.

    It doesn't appear to be remarkably different than many designs. I wouldn't fixate on one particular jacket, especially not a leather sport jacket - the market is full of them.

  19. Small number of riders with the same skills and preferences that you have. That's the only recipe I can come up with that seems to ever work, no matter what else is going on.

    Some people enjoy a good stop for food. Others (even in this thread) seem to think that's something bad. Some people ride on the ragged edge and aren't happy unless they're flirting with disaster on every turn. Others enjoy relaxed pace. Some want to keep the group in sight and account for everyone at every turn. Others just say "follow me" and seldom look back letting everyone account for themselves.

    Without the group being on the same page, it's a shitty group ride doesn't matter what it is.

  20. Make the trip to Iron Pony and try shit on. You can spend all day trying on jackets...and it's a fun place to shop around anyway.

    They've let me get on the bike and ride around to see if I was happy with it before springing the $$.

  21. Done two so far (both of them on an adventure-kitted DL1000), and loved it and learned a shit ton more than I ever would have on the street. I recommend it to everyone who wants to improve as a rider.

    That said, it's expensive as hell. That's the only reason I don't keep doing it. It's a matter of your interest and income I suppose, but it's not fun enough to make up for the awesome. At least for me, riding offroad is the same type of thrill and I can do that at a fraction of the cost with more freedom.

  22. I had an acquaintance last year try to get me to go to a Poker run that was a benefit for a guy who paralyzed himself riding drunk.

    A big group of Harley riders waddling from bar to bar to benefit a drunk idiot, drinking along the way. Yeah, I wanna be part of that.

    The irony was too much.

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