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Posts posted by swingset

  1. But, I still find it amusing that people get worked up enough to start the immediate political bashing over something this trivial - introducing a bill that would be reviewed.

    The political bashing is deserved, when ridiculous and pointless knee-jerk bullshit gets proposed. And, the sooner we shout and make our voices heard to those who represent us the faster these issues die on the vine, as they should.

    I guess the left never goes full fucking retard over proposed legislation that will likely never see the light of day?

    It's one thing to talk about the chance a bill has, it's quite another to point some blame at the fucktards pushing for it.

    Some of us can multi-task. I don't think any gun control has the political mustard to make it to the president's desk right now, unless tacked onto things (like Schumer is trying to do with the cyber security bill), but the trend of pushing for it needs fought against early and hard, IMHO.

    Just as most liberals would react if this were an anti-abortion bill, or a strengthening of the Patriot Act, or whatever.

  2. How long before there are companies that will "print" physical objects for you on demand (maybe there are already)? You could print up bike parts etc...that would be a nice service!

    I was watching a segment on TV the other day showing Jay Leno's Garage and how he uses a printer to do that very thing...duplicate old resto parts and such.

    It's for sure a business model in the making.

  3. 3 more 2nd amendment victims

    Freedom isn't always pretty, but it's always better than the alternative...which would be living under the rule of dipshits (like you). It turns out, even before there were guns, bad people murdered each other with alarming regularity.

    80,000,000 legal gun owners didn't break any laws or hurt anyone today, and won't tomorrow or the day after that.

    Oooooh, we're scary aren't we? Personally, if I were you I'd fear Magley's homo-erotic need to put flesh to flesh as conflict resolution. Given you two's closely identified beliefs, I sense a love connection.

    Ever been elbowed? Frankie says "relax".

  4. edit: note that the creation of a lower would require a manufacturers license.

    Only if you intend on selling it. Otherwise, making your own lower is perfectly legal.

    There's an entire industry supporting that already (80% completed lowers that you finish with some simple machining).

    Now, making a lower with select-fire options or parts is a big fucking no-no. Even having the plans and materials constitutes "constructive intent" so be very careful with plans or parts.

  5. You know her? You know she cannot pay?

    We know some relevant facts...

    1. She raised a worthless shitbag criminal.

    2. She defers blame for his death not on his lousy rearing or awful character but on the man who stopped him from committing (another) robbery.

    3. She attempts to collect the money her sons failed robbery could not.

    Occam's Razor says she not only cannot pay, but will not pay.

    This is a waste of society's time, not just the courts.

  6. It has everything to do with odds. If someone wishes to harm my family, why would I want to chance "throwing elbows" against someone that could be hopped up on Meth? Not to mention how would "throwing elbows" compare to someone with a gun that wishes to harm me? This isn't the matrix sorry to say. What if there are multiple assailants? How long would you last against 3 dudes fresh out if prison that want to beat the shit out if you? Tell me how long your elbows work for you...

    Even if you and your elbows prevailed in a struggle...should my 4'11" wife have to contend with an adult male? How about my 74 year old mother?

    Elbows for them too?

    All anti-gunners go down the same path. Every one, every time, if you let them talk long enough.

    Blame rampant spread of guns.

    Blame type of guns, capacity, question need.

    Cite emotional pleas, murder statistics.

    Start attacking gun owners as paranoid, sissies, over-compensating.

    Ignore any and all evidence or justification that doesn't fit their bias.

    Same talking points, same emotional-based arguments, every time.

  7. If this were a street fight, be honest, you'd have bitched out already and pulled a gun:D

    Anyone else would be humiliated at having their own argument turned against them, and beaten with it.

    All you can do is keep ignoring it, deflecting, and trying your best to show you have gamesmanship and hope no one notices how desperate you are. Well, that ship sailed long ago.

    The only person who agrees with you on this with any degree of fervor is serpent, and he's functionally retarded.

    You're starting to get my pity.

  8. You keep deferring the blame, on "ifidels" in israel and on "boyz in the hood" here

    Keep telling yourself that israel is peaceful...

    If this were a street fight, I'd have your blood and teeth all over my shoes.

    Ignore Switzerland, AGAIN, ignored that the only real meaningful violence in Israel is from outsiders, AGAIN.

    You have nothing, but emotions and the crude arguments of a child.

    You have self-destructive tenacity tho. So, Bender, would you like another?

    I can keep kicking you, if you'd like some more.

  9. Well that can't include baseball! A bat is a deadly weapon. And you DID judge him by saying something is wrong with his family dynamic.

    He did indeed. He's lying and he knows it. He's done nothing but judge all gun owners in this thread. Blames all of us who own them for contributing to the gun culture (his words), which is why there is violence (his words).

    BTW, my daughter CHOSE guns as a hobby to do with me. She asked me when she was six if she could learn how to shoot one. I told her I would teach her someday, and she took to it. We also don't bond over guns to the exclusion of everything else. We also ride motorcycles together, and hike, and see movies, and do a lot of things that daughters and fathers do. Mags is bent, and obsessed, and wants to make a point. Doesn't erase one ounce of the joy I get by seeing my daughter shoot or compete.

    Oh but guns, you see, they have no other legitimate purpose than to kill.

    Sort of like fireworks. See, they were invented from cannonade, which were weapons of war. And, a firework if used improperly or with malice will kill. In fact, people die every year with their use. If you enjoy fireworks, you're part of the problem. I blame the culture of explosives. I'd bet Magley has used some illegal fireworks in his life. Does he have an explanation for these devices whose sole purpose is to shoot explosive balls of fire? Weapons of war, that's where they came from.

    And, those firemen with their pulaski axes? Those were developed from the dutch halberd, the spike being for punching through armor and killing a man. Saving lives by punching through a door is not legitimate use for those...because it was designed as a killing weapon. It has no other use. It can never be used for good because if you swing it at a door, you're imagining swinging it at a person and you're just practicing for death and injury.

    Oh, I could do this all day. But, I won't.

    Mags and serpent are sad. Truly, and I mean this, sad.

    • Upvote 1
  10. yeah, keep blaming islam, which is also "peaceful" :rolleyes:

    It is what it is, you think the middle east is peaceful, you think guns preserve life, and you believe that a fairy in the sky causes natural disasters as punishment for gays...

    obviously it's MY pov that is skewed... :rolleyes:

    So for the fourth time you refuse to address why Switzerland and Israel's violent crime rate with guns is negligible even tho they have easy access to assault weapons and guns, and high rates of ownership.

    It completely, utterly destroys your argument, so you won't face it or even speak to it...you change the subject every fucking time.

    That's because you're a coward. When faced with an uncomfortable obstacle, you just ignore it like a petulant child.

    You've been exposed, and most of us would be embarrassed to keep marching and making it worse on ourselves. Take your ball, and go home.

    • Upvote 1
  11. I've only got one question...

    does a gun have any "real world" use that doesn't include "intimidation, injury, or "practice" for intimidation or injury...

    you claim that it is only an instrument of death because some people chose to use it that way... so convince me...

    Do you use it to drill holes in aluminum siding? Do you use it to prop doors open? Do you use it as a paper weight? Is it a tool for snaking out your drains? do you use it to drain the pool? what do you use it for other than to intimidate and injure?

    "Target practice" is an obvious dodge of the question because that is just the act of making the user more efficient, you could target practice with a paintball gun or a slingshot, you don't need a gun for target practice.

    Does dynamite have any use besides blowing shit up? Same stupid question, and because you don't find my recreational use for guns satisfactory does not mean that their intention is malicious by nature. My guns aren't for killing, they're for sport, competition, and one of them is for personal defense which I hope is NOT for death. I certainly don't want to shoot anyone, but it's there for the gravest extreme. You can't believe that, I understand, but it's the truth.

    Stop trying to win, and start trying to think. You, more than serpent, seem to be able to string together sentences in ways that lead me to believe you're somewhat bright.

    I, and I alone, make a gun a weapon or a toy. A tool or a destructive implement. If I use it to scare birds from shitting on my car? Tool. If I use it to injure someone? Weapon. If I use it to bond with my daughter at a match? It's a priceless family piece of recreation.

    Why does this hurt or offend you? If you can answer that, you will understand your own fear. And, it's fear brother. You have it.

    You see evil in guns. And there is no evil in a piece of metal.

    Understand that. Accept it.

  12. One last thing. I come here because I enjoy the people and the bikes. I've met quite a few riders here, and all have been great guys. I don't come here to make enemies, it's the last thing on my mind.

    If you've got me willing to insult over something like this, brother you worked hard at it....and both of you found the magic recipe. I'd still drink a beer with both of you, but if you treat people in person like you do here, it's a wonder anyone could stand to be in the same room with you.

    You both need to grow up. You're an adult when you can look your at your prejudices and question them.

  13. actually you're the one resorting to name calling and insults which shows the lack of knowledge of the discussion.

    it's a common logical fallacy. called Ad Hominem

    I gave you and fearbot about 3 pages of solid, well reasoned arguments and you just kept repeating the same moronic, half-baked bullshit about "guns for killing" over and over again.

    hurrr durrrr

    I'm a nice guy, for real, and I was patient....right up until you shut your fucking brain off and keep hammering the forum with chickenshit arguments and won't address anything that is difficult to challenge. I ask you a direct question, you dodge it and continue like a broken record.

    That's when you deserve name-calling, and scorn, and ridicule. There's only two possible reasons you won't tackle these points head on:

    You're disingenuous and know you're full of shit.

    You're a fucking douche.

    It HAS to be one or the other, so you tell me. When I make a point about a gun like a target pistol, designed, built, conceived, sold, marketed and used solely as a competition piece and you just blabber again that all guns are for killing, what is that? A serious argument? Fucking douchebag antics is what is.

    Both of you deserve the bitch slap you're getting, because you're intellectual cowards. Afraid to answer the tough questions, afraid to think, and afraid to admit you're wrong. Or, more likely, you get off on it.

    Have a nice night.

  14. come on man you're not stupid and neither am I.

    Well, I agree with half of that. You might be the dumbest motherfucker I've ever talked to. You haven't said a word yet to shake that belief.

    you can repeat it all you want it doesn't make it true. a gun was intentionally made to kill. especially hand guns.

    Originally, the first guns? Yes, designed to wage war and injure/kill. After that, all bets are off. You can't even wrap your limp noodle around the concept of a target pistol. I've got dog turds in my yard that I could get to grasp that. You? No chance.

    stop trying to insult everyone's intelligence along with showing us you have none.

    I don't even have to try anymore.

    you know as well as I do a gun is intentionally designed, made, produced, marketed, and sold to kill. that's it's only use.

    Pure retardation. Wear it loud, wear it proud.

    and your argument that only bad people kill with a gun is flawed since you want to use it to kill in self defense. so even good people want to use a gun to kill.

    I have no desire to kill or shoot anyone, never did, never will. Your entire premise on guns is displayed in this infantile, moronic statement. You are a flaming moron of epic proportions.

    there's no tap dancing around it. it is what it is.


    Seriously, either as a troll or a genuine window-licking imbecile, you are a solid 10.

    I'm breathless.

  15. don't have any retort? No, you don't. Repeating the same assertion over and over again and sidestepping my direct questions is not a retort. It's mental retardation, clinically speaking that's the classic definition of it.

    oh that's right, you don't have an answer for that other than that is a BAD FUCKING IDEA because guns are dangerous but that doesn't fit your narrative...

    Guns are dangerous? Fear. Emotional paranoia based on irrational views of an inanimate object. Guns cannot arm themselves, aim themselves, fire themselves. When confronted with this, you claim nothing but hypothetical fears that more guns or the ease of availability leads to violence. You have no answer for why Switzerland or Israel defy that assertion, you just go back to deflection.

    Fear. Emotion. No thinking, just feeling.

    "guns are safe, they only protect people who need protected, and it's only bad people that kill with guns (and besides they would've killed you anyways)"

    I guess that made some kind of point in your head, but it just reads like derp shit out here.

    Keep talking, you're sliding further and further and getting farther away from being taken seriously on this subject (you started out hanging by a thread).

    Does it ever seem like you're getting your ass kicked?

    I always wondered that about people who can't track or perceive themselves very well.

    Are you aware of how stupid you are right now? Please, I must know.

  16. tell me this, was a gun not purposly built with the sole intention to kill?

    Hey, you know I love repeating myself over and over again, so sure why not?

    No, guns are not designed to kill, they're designed to shoot bullets, you decide to kill, or whether to shoot watermelons for lulz. Even guns that are sold for, and presumably designed for law enforcement or self defense are only designed for reliability and accuracy. Use is always dictated by the person who's holding it. Is a fast bike designed for breaking the law? No, but some people do that. Others don't. Some people just race them on the track, others stunt them.....

    Jesus. Are you 12?

    Some guns are designed without any "weapon" thought whatsoever.

    Target guns are designed for competition. NRA High-Power guns are designed for long range shooting. Race guns are built for action-pistol competitions. Speed shotguns are designed for 3-gun competitions. No killing, no war, not built, designed, marketed or intended for malice.

    Not that it matters, because intention is the game of the person holding the gun.

    And, it's the intention of the guy with a propane tank whether he grills some burgers or sets it off with a flare gun and blows a church up.

    Are you even capable of processing this? If you're not, I seriously recommend some professional therapy. I worked in that field, I'll get you some numbers. For realz.

  17. Nope, you're right guns are as safe as teddy bears, they were designed to make everyone feel all warm and fuzzy, clearly their design intent has been skewed by these evil godless people.

    You've convinced me, I'm giving an assortment of guns to my nieces for christmas this year. They are 3 and 6, so now they can protect themselves from those bullies at school.

    Irrational fear, keep talking the neon gets brighter with every post.

  18. guns were intentionally made to kill. And if I don't use it to kill will I break a law of the universe or something? If I kill you with a piece of plumbing pipe, are you not dead?

    it's a weapon of murder.

    Are olympic free-pistols weapons of murder? They're used to compete using low-velocity ammunition and are purposely designed to hit nothing but targets. Are goose alarm guns weapons of murder? They shoot pieces of flare to scare geese, but if I load it with buckshot and kill you with it, is it a gun for murder, or goose-scaring?

    end of story. Only if you're retarded.

    stop trying to use the nonsense argument guns don't kill people, people kill people. Stop trying to convince us that guns load themselves, shoot themselves, and aim themselves. Even a child can grasp this. That's not saying much for you, kiddo.

    or that anything someone gets hurt on should also be banned. I really got nothing.

    that has to be the most illogical argument on the face of the earth. Irony.

    if you really want to get technical, and if you're also a holy roller, god created guns so god's the killer going around killing people. Wow, you gave that one a lot of thought, didn't you Plato?

    or why not say since people kill people lets ban people. dur dur dur.

    Maybe we could ban murder, or things that someone can get hurt on. I racked myself on a see-saw in elementary school. Designed to kill those things are.

    Fuck man, I love you. Let's drink a beer together real soon. I've paid $50 for a comedy show that didn't deliver half the fucking belly laughs you've given me tonight.

    Seriously, you're a fucking hoot.

  19. Yeah, israel.. you tell me how peaceful the middle east is...lol

    Yep I'm wrong whatever you gotta tell yourself to justify your gun worship...

    Nice tapdance. Israel is very peaceful, except for the several million violent Islamists trying to kill the Jews. The Jewish citizens violence, on each other, is what again? And Switzerland?

    Now, address that reasonable argument, or try to flank me with nonsense because you're hoisted by your own petard.

    Your ball, buddy. Look out, there's a gun behind you. BOO!

  20. I'm not afraid of guns, I'm not afraid of knives, I'm not afraid of you...

    Let's just see about that.

    It's not fear that drives my position, it's understanding what a gun is designed to do.

    That's irrational and emotional. Fertilizer isn't designed to blow up women and kids, but it did. Guns are designed to kill (some of them anyway, others are most assuredly not), but mine don't kill and I don't use them that way. Do you think that an object must obey it's design? If so, bombs wouldn't work and guns would kill without input. You realize how immature and stupid this is?

    maybe you live in a war zone, fine... maybe you can convince yourself that "target practice" isn't just sharpening your skills to shoot people later on... whatever.

    More emotion, more hysteria based on nothing. I train for self defense, but when I shoot for recreation...I'm most certainly doing nothing but making holes in paper or hitting some steel targets. My daughter sure isn't training to kill. Again, your default is that guns lead to violence, program a person to kill...this gives them magical powers. And you don't fear magical powers?

    Absolutely a delusional and hysteric position. Pure fear.

    The problem that you are a part of is this country's preoccupation with guns... simple...

    And that's a problem why? If I never kill, never injure, never cause harm, why is it your concern why I'm preoccupied? You might be preoccupied with porn, I wouldn't claim you're part of the rape problem. More emotion, more fear that I shall become an actor in violence. You see that, right?

    Like I said, I'm not here to tell you that we need new laws, I'm not here to tell you that there will never be an occasion where you will be justified to shoot someone. My point is simple, because guns are abundant and accepted (and even worshipped in this society) the byproduct will always be more guns for everyone, even those that shouldn't have them.

    That's irrational again. On one hand you display overreaching logic to assume that the guns I possess lead me towards violence, yet you claim ambivalence about them. You want them gone, yet want no laws. You're lying.

    You're terrified of the magic power of firearms, crippled by your own mental contortions and unable to unfuck your goofy views. Clearly, you care a lot.

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