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Posts posted by chrisknight

  1. 100/300

    covers equipment and add ons


    298.50 a year.

    clean record.

    One thing I'm a bit worried about is that my insurance guy has by bike as a 06 Yamaha Xvs650 in their system. It's really an 06 R6. I called and asked, and he said that they don't have all the VIN's in the system and that I would be fine if I ever needed to use the insurance because I have a motorcycle policy through them. Sounds kinda weird, eh?

  2. Icon jackets do have an expiration date. It's on the receipt, whatever date the jacket was purchased, it's no longer good from this date on and should be disposed of. Srsly, Icon is flashy crap on a stick.


    I have never had any Icon gear... However, I get the same impression. Its POP gear... :)

  3. 1. Rescue/backup any files of importance. either boot the drive on another computer as the 2nd hard drive, or use a boot CD that allows a copy of files to another drive or USB device.

    2. Run hard drive diagnostics to see if the drive is ok. I use the manufacturer's free downloaded CDs. The SeaGate SeaTools will work on any modern drive.

    3. If the hard drive is ok, repair the operating system. If the hard drive is not ok, but passes after a repair with the hard drive diagnostics tool, repair the operating system. If the hard drive fails, repeat the rescue/backup of the files in item #1, if necessary, and replace hard drive and operating system.

    Quick method: get another hard drive and operating system, and install it as your Master drive. Move your old one to Slave drive. All your files will be accessable, but the programs might not run after moving from C: to D:. Figure out what went wrong later.

    Cheat method: boot a CD or floppy, find the bad file, rename it so it won't work (*.xxx or *.old, etc). Find the file needed on another similar computer and copy it over on to your computer in the right folder location. Boot and see what happens.

    This is good advise.

    You have to make sure the drive is physically OK first. If you lost that file due to a bad drive cluster, its only going to get worse. If you know someone with GRC Spinrite, use it.

    If you have a bad cluster get your data off of it and buy a new drive. Yes, you can reformat and the system will mark the cluster as bad and work for some time. That is a time bomb waiting to happen. GRC Spinrite will actually recover corrupt data by moving data from bad clusters to good clusters.

    You need to get the missing file on a thumb drive and use Winternals or UbuntuLive and copy the "good" file up to replace the "bad" one.

    BUT, I would try to replace the boot.ini first. That might actually be your issue. This is a little tricky though. If you could just check to see if its there and says something like:

    [boot loader]



    [operating systems]

    multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(2)\WINDOWS="Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition" /noexecute=optin /fastdetect

    Your cool there...

    Your PC must have come with some disks.

    Try to get to the recovery console & type: fixboot

  4. nope...

    went to take a right hand turn, going like 25mph, hit a patch of gravel/dirt and lost the rear tire.

    Frame slider did its job, got a couple scratchs but nothin major..

    Unfortunitly I had an icon textile jacket and it lasted all of about 2 seconds, til it desintergrated on my right arm... leaving some good rash..

    Was my first time going down since I started riding 8 years ago, I am just happy that it was at a low speed... But hey, thats why we wear gear....

    Glad you're alright.

    The guy at the riders meeting at Mid Ohio last weekend said it best.

    "There are a thousand websites you can go on to buy parts for your bike. For YOU, not so many."

    Wear your gear... :)

  5. so im thinking about taking sat off worksince it is supposed to be nice. seth is off work as in moody and ross well he is a bum and doesnt have a job but his bike is back together. anyone coming down to our neck of the woods?

    If I don't go to Cincinnati or Mid Ohio, I might ride out.

  6. Are you worried about insurance rates? A 600 will be more than a 250. I know when I called to get a quote on the R6, before I said what bike it was, my agent asked "Its not a GSX-R is it?"

    He said those are the most popular. So those are the most wrecked, stolen, vandalized, etc... And that means more premium.

  7. So what if you've been on a bike for the past 14 years. Sounds like you have been riding improperly the entire time if you haven't gained any confidence in the front. Your tech. is lacking. Go take the MSF or something cause you need to learn to use the front brake properly.

    You & natedogg624 talk like I don't use my fronts. I use the fronts more than the rear. I'm talking about the rear breaks being almost useless on that bike if you've got some speed going. Probably due to my size/positioning. I'd say I'm 65%-70% (as needed) in front now. I'll try 95%, that's going to feel weird...

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