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Posts posted by chrisknight

  1. Hey there, Also from Marysville. Best "closest" ride here that I have found, is just head E on 36, pass by 257, (where the flashing lights are maybe 10miles from marysville) go over the river, then turn either left or right. Left is Warren road, Right is Klondike rd. Left can be pretty scenic all the way to Prospect, probably 15 miles or so. There is a pretty good ice cream place in Prospect. It's a good way to go if you have limited time. The names of the roads change a few times, but there is no real worry of getting lost as long as the river is on your left. (heading to prospect anyways)

    If you head Right, down Klondike road, it will eventually turn into Riverside Drive, if you need to head to Columbus, Powell, or Dublin and aren't in a hurry. It's a much better experience then just heading down the freeway to get there.

    Either way...be careful, while neither is the most demanding of roads, it is right by the river, there are a lot of trees, and limbs on the road are semi-common. I have seen many riders stop and kick them off to the side of the road as it is a common path for bikers around this area. Sping and fall can be pretty scenic around there too.

    Have fun and Welcome!

    If you go left right there after the bridge, isn't that river road with the river on your left?

    Also, after a hard rain, be careful, that road floods out in blind spots and it takes them a couple days go get signs up.

    I remember one time my girlfriend and I were going up that road (she lived in Radnor) and we had to slam on the brakes, we came inches from a 12' water road block. It was very odd to see the water that high.

  2. coulda got some free venison

    ...and an messed up bike...

    I had a deer run out in front of me last year. It was about 10:00PM and I was on Rt 42 coming into Delaware. I was going about 65 or so and I got this weird feeling. I let the throttle snap shut and hit the brakes a bit, then, there she was. She just ran out and stopped in my line... I had enough time to hit the brakes hard and get stopped, but I wouldn't have if I hadn't reacted to my feeling...

  3. I remember this one sesame street where there were 2 Muppets. 1 was a "regular" (guy) muppet and the other was in a trench coat and (street like) selling the letter "Q". ....and through the song he would say "Riigghhtt" all sly like. I KNOW I have seen the youtube video I just cant find it right now. Anyone know what I'm talking about? I have to show someone... Maybe I'm too old...


  4. its just stupid though, that they get pissed about it? are they that upset that im gonna get somewhere before they do? its not like it even holds up traffic because as soon as that light is green im outtie 5000.

    in cali where lane splitting is legal they consider it "efficient use of road throughput" which I think is right on the money. if traffic is stopped or sluggish, no reason everyone should have to sit and wait.

    No kidding... I was in California last year for work (Lancaster i think) and all kinds of bikes all week were zipping up the middle. The whole time I was cheering them on and looking out for the cops.

    Then I found out it was legal. Why cant Ohio see that.

    ...It is kinda dangerous though.

  5. I was thinking about this the other day and was wondering what stupid shit constantly tempts you while you are out on a ride? For me, it's when i'm stuck behind cars that are driving side-by-side down the road/highway and they're going way too slow for me. Every time "just go between them" pops into my head and i always entertain it for about 5 seconds, then decide not to.

    Same here... It always happens, someone in the left lane beside one in the right lane going the same speed & too slow. I swear I have only done that when the cars are doing around 10 MPH less than the posted speed though. I I usually choose the outside rather than between them.

    Also zinging past yuppie Harley riders... :)

  6. I would install superantispyware removal tool to help with spyware:


    Its free and of the best. Run it NOW!

    Also, instead, malwarebytes.


    These do not replace your antivirus software.

    Run Labrea: (advanced users only)


    Your ISP would be pissed if you run this on your public interface as it grabs up unused IP addresses from their DHCP server.

    Run it on your internal subnet, its fun...

  7. Changing the Date on your computer wont help, the worm checks various public NTP servers.

    Unplugging your PC will not help. The worm will still be there willing to infect any PC not patched when you plug back in.

    Best advise, keep your PC's behind a NATing router, keep your PC's patched with microsofts update site, and keep your virus definitions updated.

    MS patch for conficker is KB958644. See if you have it in Control panel, Add/Remove programs, check 'show updates.


    Q: I heard something really bad is going to happen on the Internet on April 1st! Will it?

    A: No, not really.

    Q: Seriously, the Conficker worm is going to do something bad on April 1st, right?

    A: The Conficker aka Downadup worm is going to change it's operation a bit, but that's unlikely to cause anything visible on April 1st.

    Q: So, what will it do on April 1st?

    A: So far, Conficker has been polling 250 different domain names every day to download and run an update program. On April 1st, the latest version of Conficker will start to poll 500 out of 50,000 domains a day to do the same thing.

    Q: The latest version? There are different versions out there?

    A: Yes, and the latest version is not the most common. Most of the infected machines are infected with the B variant, which became widespread in early January. With B variant, nothing happens on April 1st.

    Q: I just checked, and my Windows machine is clean. Is something going to happen to me on April 1st?

    A: No.

    Q: I'm running a Mac, is something going to happen to me?

    A: No.

    Q: So… this means that the attackers could use this download channel to run any program on all the machines?

    A: On all the machines that are infected with the latest version of the worm, yes.

    Q: But what's this peer-to-peer functionality I've heard about?

    A: The worm has some peer-to-peer functionality which means that infected computers can communicate with each other without the need for a server. This enables the worm to update itself without the need for any of the 250 or 50,000 domains.

    Q: But doesn't that mean that if the bad guys wanted to run something on those machines, they don't need to wait for April 1st?

    A: Yes! Which is another reason why it's unlikely anything major will happen on April 1st.

    Q: Is there going to be media hype?

    A: Oh yes. Like there always is when a widespread worm has a date trigger. Think cases like Michelangelo (1992), CIH (1999), Sobig (2003), Mydoom (2004) and Blackworm (2006).

    Q: But in those cases nothing much happened even though everybody expected something to happen!

    A: Exactly.

    Q: So, should I keep my PC shut down on April 1st?

    A: No. You should make sure it's clean before April 1st.

    Q: Can I change the date on my machine to protect me?

    A: No. While the worm uses the local system time for certain parts of its update functionality it doesn't exclusively rely on that.

    Q: I'm confused. How can you know beforehand that there will be a global virus attack on April 1st? There must be a conspiracy here!

    A: Yes, you're confused. There is not going to be a "global virus attack". The machines that are already infected might do something new on April 1st. We know this because we have reverse engineered the worm code and can see that this is what it has been programmed to do.

    Q: Would the downloaded program execute with admin privileges?

    A: Yes, with local admin rights. Which is pretty bad.

    Q: And they could download that program not just on April 1st but also on any day after that?

    A: Correct. So there's no reason why they wouldn't do it on, say, April 5th instead of April 1st.

    Q: Ok, they could run any program. To do what?

    A: We don't know what they are planning to do, if anything. Of course, they could steal your data, send spam, do DDoS, et cetera. But we don't know.

    Q: They? Who are they? Who's behind this worm?

    A: We don't know that either. But they seem to be pretty professional in what they do.

    Q: Professional? Is it true that Conficker is using the MD6 hash algorithm?

    A: Yes. This was probably one of the first real-world cases where this new algorithm was used.

    Q: Why can't you just infect a PC, set the clock to April 1st and see what happens?

    A: That's not the way it works. The worm connects to certain websites to get the time-of-day.

    Q: Oh yeah? Then shut down the websites where it gets the time-of-day and the problem will go away!

    A: Can't. These are websites like google.com, yahoo.com and facebook.com.

    Q: But surely you could spoof google.com in the lab to get a honeypot machine to connect to a download site today!

    A: Sure. And the download sites do not have anything to download, today. They might, on April 1st. Or they might not.

    Q: Now I'm worried. How do I know if I'm infected?

    A: Try to surf to www.f-secure.com. If you can't reach our website you might be infected, as Downadup/Conficker blocks access to security vendor's websites. Don't tell anybody, but users who can't access f-secure.com because of this can surf to www.fsecure.com instead.

    Q: Where does the name "Conficker" come from?

    A: Conficker is an anagram of sorts from trafficconverter – a website to which the first variant was connecting.

    Q: Why does the worm have two names – Downadup and Conficker?

    A: It was found at about the same time by multiple security companies and therefore got multiple names. Today most companies use the name Conficker. There's further confusion about the variant letters among vendors. We're all sorry for that.

    Q: How many computers are currently infected by Downadup/Conficker?

    A: About 1-2 million. How many of those are infected with the latest version? We don't have an exact count.

    Q: How is the industry reacting to all this?

    A: We reacted by setting up the Conficker Working Group. Members include security vendors (including us), registrars, research units and so on.

    Q: I want more technical details on the worm.

    A: Sure. Here's our description, and here's SRI's excellent writeup.

    Q: When was the first variant of Downadup/Conficker discovered?

    A: It was found on November 20, 2008.

    Q: More than four months ago? I want a time line on what happened when.

    A: Byron Acohido has one.

    Q: Is this all just an April Fools joke?

    A: No, it's not. And although we don't think anything will happen on this particular date, Conficker is nothing to laugh about. The gang behind this is serious and we should not underestimate them. The fact that we don't know for real what they are really after just makes it all a bigger mystery.

    Q: Is F-Secure able to detect and block this malware?

    A: Yes.

    Q: Do you have cleaning tool available?

    A: Yes, and it's free. Click here to get it.

    Q: Are you going to follow this through?

    A: Yes. Stay tuned for updates.

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