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Posts posted by chrisknight

  1. I had this exact situation. Only I called a plumber. My house was built in the late 60's and it had 4" x 3' clay drain tiles mated end to end with rubber gaskets. The tree roots out front grew into it over time. They dug out 2 sections where the root was totally blocking the tiles, it looked like a big log had grown in there. The hole he is talking about in the story is probably the basement floor drain. I still remember it like it was yesterday. I stepped off the bottom step in my socks and instantly knew what the issue was. It was sick! ...and that ball of mass, tampons. I swear. Its nasty. Tampons expand and get hung up on any root or snag of any kind. Whats worse, I own a duplex, live in 1/2 and rent the other 1/2 out. 1 sewage line goes out to the road and the 2 sides of my house are joined under my half. I had all the shower, poop, dishes, and whatever in my basement from both sides. They dug up all the clay tile from the edge of the house to the street and replaced it with very thick PVC all the way out.

    Man, that was SICK!

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