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Posts posted by chrisknight

  1. I was just thinking chrome... For those true Google app diehards...

    I used to use Konqueror. Then I found Firefox was much better.

    Konqueror... Because gnomes Epiphany sucks.

    Blackbird, that's one of the most ridiculous and damaging ideas I have ever heard of! Especially in these modern times. When will people learn that those ideology's perpetuate segregation, and even racism.

    Blackbird, providing another subliminal inkling that you are different.

  2. Well.. My head lights wont turn on. I have checked all of the fuses under the seat and under the upper left plastic, all are good. I tried to take the relays out and (stupid me) crushed one with pliers.

    I guess if I'm going to replace 1, I might as well replace both the on/off, and the high/low beam relay as they are both the same part number. I cant find anything on the web though. Its a:


    60408 0813


    acm33211 M04

    I checked the bulbs, the high/low switch, made sure all connectors were tight, & still no go. Everything else (as far as I know) on the bike is ok.

    I was going to switch the on/off and high/low relays & see if I could at least get the low beam on when I crushed the 1. I switched the high/low relay over to the on/off relay position & left the crushed one out, & the low beam wouldn't light up still...

    Anyone know what I might check or know where I could get a relay?



  3. I suppose I subscribe to the theory that oil doesn't go bad with age, it just gets dirty with use. I change mine in the fall for a couple reasons. 1) I don't want the dirt and gunk to have months to settle and compact in my engine. Have you ever dropped an oil pan from an engine where the oil sat in it for a long time? Nasty! ... and 2) because I don't have to mess with it on the 1st nice day of spring. Hop on & go!

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