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Posts posted by chrisknight

  1. I am a consultant that supports businesses that use Android, IOS, and blackberry devices. I upgraded an iPad2 10 minutes after IOS 5 came out. Failed at first but 2nd time was a hit. Honestly, I love IOS and Android but I am not impressed with IOS 5. iCloud is a great addition and Siri is awesome. Being a strong open source supporter, I don't mind if Apple steals ideas from Google, or the other way around. It makes for better product competition. Not that I want to blur the difference between companies products. I just think its good to take a concept and see who comes out on top. Google free 411 service was Google's fine tuning for voice patterns starting in April 2007. Android builds off of this information with Voice Search (Voice Actions) released August 2010. Google's idea. But currently, Apple does it better. We'll see what the next Android has to offer on the 19th of this month.



  2. Does this device make and receive phone calls?

    HAHAHA!!! I'm a Google Apps administrator and my company is a Google Apps reseller. That reminded me of one of our customers sales guys... We were switching out all of their blackberries to andorid based devices and we were going through a quick training session and he raised his hand and asked, "Where's my phone on this phone"? I laughed out loud, hard. Old(er) sales guys are typically challenged with technology.


  3. I think I'm the only sport bike in this one. 6 or 7 of us. My buddy across the street called me and they are meeting at the Advance Auto on South Sandusky st in Delaware at 7:30am - 8:00am. Out 37 to 40 & meet up w/ 555 down to 78, then back. Route may be modified a bit. Thought I'd post here to see if a couple/few might be able to make it.

    I may be out depending on rain. That's a long way to ride especially in that cold. lol

  4. From the Vine and its where I go if I can. They have a decent although small selection. Im hoping to start brewing my own in the next month or so. Getting to expensive or I drink to much.... :confused:

    You are so close to me we could set up a brew day. I've been meaning to get together with some brewers around here.

    If you do decide you wan't to brew, do your self a favor. Don't brew from a premade malt kit. MAKE your own by brewing all grain. It's worth it in cost, quality/flexibility of product, and sense of accomplishment.

    Good book: http://www.howtobrew.com/intro.html

    A simple backyard mash tun made out of a CPVC manifold and a cooler, and a turkey fryer setup is all you need to get started. Well, and a fermenter...

  5. Hoppin Frog's Hop Dam is pretty tasty' date=' in a sweaty hockey bag kind of way.[/quote']


    What is a bit over the top for me sometimes (although I still drink it) is Bells Two Hearted. Centennial hop overload... lol Centennial is SO citrusy.

    Troegs Hopback is yummy.......

    I'll keep an eye out for these..

  6. super special IPA (that tastes like a gym sock too lol)

    Hahaha... You guys would not like my brew... I usually aim for maximum hop utilization. While John is chewing on his gym socks, there is a place on Polaris and Old State road (I think it's called On The Vine) that has Buckeye Hippie IPA. This is a good not so over the top IPA. :D

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