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Posts posted by chrisknight

  1. And here come the beer snobs.

    My wife gave me Beer of the Month for a gift. IPA's taste like fermented horse urine. And thats only if you can get past the smell. I like mild, very cold beer that doesn't burn my nose. If that makes me "less sophisticated", then so be it. I don't pretend to be sophisticated in any other part of my life, and I'm too old to drink crap beer just because it will raise my standing as a "beer connoisseur". I don't care. I like what I like. I like Yeungling, whether its a "forbidden fruit" that I can only get a few times a year or not.

    My liver and kidneys are just gonna have to adjust.

    Not attacking you... You like what you do, and so do I. IBU's in a good IPA are a bit over the top for most beer drinkers, I just happen to like it. I'd still drink a Yeungling if offered to me (for free). lol

  2. We bought a roku device and stream netflix. We have only been using it for less than a month but we like it. The selection seems big but maybe a bit older. We might look into Hulu+. We still have standard cable now and have canceled our cable box, HBO, and premium channels with TW.

  3. read section D of what Conn-e-Rot posted. They're not allowed to drop them off in a location that requires crossing the street.

    Scruit didn't do anything wrong.

    ***edit - Scruit did not violate any laws. If people want to tell him he's still "wrong," they can go right ahead. I would have proceeded just as he did.

    Without looking into it further. I agree.

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