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Posts posted by ls1plus

  1. yeah If you saw were they live I would have tried to get the police to meet you there at there place if at all possible. would also go back during the day to see if you can speak with a parent.


    The police wouldn't do anything since we didn't get a positive id. Talking to the parents is a good idea.

  2. Heading down Alkire Road at 3 Am with my cousin, He'd just gotten his custom paint job done and something flys into his hood, cracking it.(SS Hood - fiberglass.) He does a quick u-turn and we both scale the fence but they both took off when he hit his brakes, so they are nowhere to be found but we were at least able to see what house they went into, I called them out but of course no answer.

    So we made a report and went from there. The jackasses were throwing the caps off the fence.

  3. Just a fyi, my high school taught about credit during math classes.


    Though Sex ED is a joke. The abstinence only education does not work.


    Actually I learned that two condoms used together make friction causing them to break. I did learn that!

  4. Wow!!! You are a class act. I thought you were gay b/c you keep telling other guys to suck your dick. My misunderstanding. I guess since you are from the grovecity area you don't consider it gay to tell another guy to suck your dick.


    I thought someone said it was stolen from a work place. Also my misunderstanding.


    Ghetto... nope.


    I know Dan through my boyfriend (who is not gay by any means). Dan is a nice enough guy a little strange but he has never stolen from our house.



    As for Eric that is sooo old news, let it die, I have. If you hang out with him it explains alot about you.


    No need to reply.


    That is all.


    I was using poor crude humor. I didn't tell anyone to suck my dick, your misunderstanding, I was saying that about the others, guess you never saw the movie...


    Mods, would you please lock the thread.


    Again, here is a callout for all on here that ran their mouth to muscless or myself, let our cars do the talking, if not, why are you on here? It is not Columbus Bench Racing!!!! Oh and Eric already ripped my ass about the comment, so dead it is. Eric is straight up with me and I have respect for that, he is not full of shit, so yes, that may explain something about me.

  5. this has been a interesting read to say the least



    Unless the owner of mccoys is on this board they are really the only ones that have the right to post up a video that for if they give Zane or someone else permission to post it. Also if they are really going to press charges they may have been asked by police to keep the vid private to charges are filed or until someone is prosicuted. That or maybe stop down to that shop with Zane and see if you can watch the Vid.





    As for this personally, I also took it as a threat the fact that numberous other people and mods did as well pretty much backs that up. Now it may not have been the case but thats how it seen as and as such 3 day vacation.


    again I don't know either party this is just a 3rd party observation. If Dan really did steal it then thats something he will need to deal with if charges are pressed also was the fence damaged if so do you have any pics of said damage that are time stamped? If you are able/allowed to show them that is.



    I really would like muscless to give me say so on what is said due to a third party getting even. I appreciate someone understanding.

  6. LOL


    How old are you? You have a "crew"?


    Well I guess you can't read how old I am, dumb ass. I never said I had a crew. There is a gang of you internet squirrels sticking up for a thief though. Why are the girls sticking up for the guys anyways.? No wonder there are a ton of gay comments.


    What is the Vin D. pick for? Does that describe Dan and his squirrel friends?


    This is a car forum and you retards have polluted this thread.


    So which one of you that has ran their mouth in this thread going to race for cash either tonight or tommorow??

  7. Lay off the Roids Yo. I never said he was going to fight you. So learn how to read dumb ass. You and your little buddie are starting a lot of shit with no proof. I find it very suspect that you have not downloaded a back up copy. Esp. since there have been numberous request to see the video of him cutting the fence.


    I know for a fact that Dan was sucker punched by someone in "your Crew". He does have a black eye and said it came out of no where. He is completely confused by this b.s. Obviously you and your little weightlifting fag buddies had someone else do it because you and meathead could not do it yourselves.



    I would not be at all suprized if this is all b.s. and that your stealing from your work and using Dan as a scape goat. (since he is on video on the property.)


    Lol. Read what??? You said Derek would own me. Like I already said, I already owned his car. So what is left?? He posted yesterday that he was going to punch me so you must of been talking about that, if not, what? What do you mean - stealing from our work?? LOL! We don't work there smartypants. Nobody ever said we did.

    Why are you so worried about the tape, it is not in our hands anymore, and I never said he cut the fence. Who told you that?

    Roids? LOL! Who takes those?, but thanks for the compliment. Muscless was not going to punch him due to the fact that he is not dumb like Dan and you, miss ghetto chick. So if a third party punched Dan, it would of been well deserved. Why do you keep using gay jokes? Did you turn your bf's gay and now you think it is a conspiracy?


    Aren't you the one that used to date Eric when he got out of HS...? LMAO!

  8. triple post :) no, no, no, you suck dick cause your a fag.


    Your crew are the ones with the cheeseburgers!! Anyways, there are to many good looking chicks out there to be gay! You all can be gay as much as you want though. Just don't blame me for your crew being gay.

  9. /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\



    Eli speaks the truth. The threat was obvious.


    I think muscless is saying that he didn't hit him but someone else did??



    Why are you trying to talk shit to Derek?!?!?! He will own you.


    With every post you look even more suspect. Post up the video that Shows Dan cutting the 8' chain link fence and this will be over.


    Zane on CR \/




    Angry typing...GRRRRR



    LMAO! You are dumb. He wasn't the one that hit him. If he hit him, it would of been messier. If I was there, I would have drug him out of the car and he would of never had a chance to speed off like the bitch he is after coming to.


    What do you mean Derek will own me??? I called him out after he called me a bitch then today he sends me a message saying he wasn't trying to piss me off. He said he wanted me to stop when he has his car out..So I told him my bad. But if this is how he really feels, tell him to be a big boy and talk to me.


    But if you are butting your head into someone elses business, then go complain to someone else.


    You obviously don't know me or muscless if you say Derek is going to own me. I owned his car. I am assuming you are talking about fighting since he said "he is going to punch me :D """ So i guess that's two threats now from your little gang. Of course. All hard behind your computer. Internet Warrior!!

  10. posting PMs should be a bannable offense. they're PRIVATE messages for a reason. unless you have the consent of the other person, that's BS.


    You misunderstood. Muscless was going to post the pm that stated the agreement where he was going to look at it through the fence and see if it was even what he wanted. This is because all his buddies are saying he was supposed to take it.



    And for all of the people that can't read, I already said the video has been turned into GCPD!

  11. I don't know who the fuck that was directed to, but it had better not been me. all i was doing was pointing out what was said. i wasn't trying to give ya shit or anything just so thats known.


    So somebody else laid the kid out? i agree 100%, if in fact he did steal it, he should be dealt with. did you guys have an agreement to start with where he would catch up to with you later?



    Nope. He was trying to post his pms then he was banned.

  12. Not my fault you don't understand. Get smarter. The intent of his post was obvious



    He said let's meet. So let's meet is quote for " I am going to cause physical harm to someone" ? Ok!??

  13. I never said he was not hit. Maybe by someone smaller than myself. Guess that would be a good thing for him. So if you lie and steal it makes it ok if you pay when your caught! How bout we meet and then we can see whats up and who is an internet worrier and whos a BITCH!



    Mensan, listen dickhead, He didn't say I am going to punch you, He said, let's meet. That could very well mean talk and the other person could inflict harm on him as well.


    Like I said I am done on this post, so you can shut the fuck up to!!

  14. This is as far as I could make it in this thread. The truth is in this statement. If you are not guilty, you better have a reason for your actions that makes sense. I think this falls in line with shit talkers who love to talk about people too. Yet, they never talk to the person about there issue with them. You got an issue, confront them. If it turns to knuckles, so be it. What is so hard about that?


    I understand, but I wasn't just shittalking. I am done on this post. We will just talk to everyone in person.

  15. lol..... 5:00 a.m=zane still on CR letting turborust know how it is lol!



    I have to represent someone who didn't do anything wrong. Well I will check in when I get home.

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