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Posts posted by ls1plus

  1. good i was starting to think everyone had autos


    ok i'm done posting here

    back on track

    fighting is bad

    Dan is a thief or something like that and takes it in the ass

    and cr is corrupt for not banning me.



    I thought Dan was gay.

  2. Hi zane you're my hero yes you speak the truth 4xxwhp owns 298whp now i wanna nutswing and get to ride in your car, I will buy you one white castle cheese burger. 68 cents is all you worth biotch :D


    NOT QUITE IT. Watch Menace to society if you don't know.

  3. Zane you are really getting into this tread lol!...ohh yea and you should see the way we mounted them mufflers lol!


    I know someone who would like to mount a muffler in the guy that has the star tattoos on his left arm and who is a video star.. I think his name is Dan. And McCoy wants his fence fixed.



    Oh by the way,, How did you mount those?

  4. McCoys where? McCoy Center in Hilliard?


    And since you saw it how did he get in Im curious?



    Ask GCPD,,, Charges pending. Muscless originally asked McCoy not to press charges. That was before he received only partial payment since drummer only wanted the rear,, not including my 4.10's he took as well, not knowing they were that ratio until he was told. Maybe Muscless will be a little irritated since he was banned for warning all of us for a theif. Cameras don't lie and it is the theives that steal your shit you have to worry about.


    But damn, I wish I would of went to pick up the money,,, damn work!!!!

  5. Zane you beat me in a race i'm gonna punch you in the face next time i see you.





    WOW! muscless didn't go that far.


    BAN+10!! for threats!!!!!!!!!!


    Or what's the fine line??


    If he doesn't get banned... did he state "i got these cheeseburgers.. I'll suck your dick!!!!!"

  6. well, this thread went south fast.


    My only real interest was that if there is, in fact, stealing going on - it's a good thing to get the word out.


    Fighting and e-thugging clearly got it nowhere.



    I agree! I saw the tape. A thief is a thief, no two ways around it. If you can't take the heat, Get out of the kitchen and go to the gym, so you don't get banned.


    Speaking of which, lies that is. Some blue mach1. Why? Fuck if I know??? HMMMMMM, if you drive a mach1,,, Why would you have chevy parts??? Unless that is code for "I have these cheeseburgers!!!" LMAO!!!!!!!!!!

  7. WOW


    I just posted the other side. I'm not even involved in this chevy mess, and you say some shit like that.... if you want to fight go join a gym.


    +1 for ban



    LMAO!!! Who fights in a gym??? Most serious people I know go to the gym to train. Muscless does go to the gym, several gyms as a matter of fact. Read some posts about free MMA classes he offered. +1 for - got any cheeseburgers? You can suck my dick DAN!

  8. Are you serious? If someone stole my stuff,I would do the same as muscleSS. I think I speak for everyone that has ever had anything stolen. The biggest difference is that only 30% of people that can talk loud back it up!



  9. I'll post the other side, since dan (drummer919) was never allowed to defend himself before he got banned I know Dan pretty well and he doesn't seem like that type of guy to me




    Dan said that he called you to let you know he was coming and that you told him that you had something come up and had to leave but to go ahead and take the rearend and you guys would settle up in a couple days. Dan also said that when he met you to give you the money that you punched him in the face for no reason and then got in your car and drove off...


    my .02 is that you also need banned untill this mess gets sorted out


    my feelings at this point are that you owe dan an apology for slander and I guess you better hope he doesn't press assault charges



    I stopped at Mccoys at lunch and watch the dvr. It clearly shows the parts being stolen. But, hey at least you could see someone being nice enough to leave the axles behind. LOL.


    So should he apologize that Dan got caught on tape??? Damn Cameras!

  10. WOW


    I just posted the other side. I'm not even involved in this chevy mess, and you say some shit like that.... if you want to fight go join a gym.


    +1 for ban



    Earlier in the thread someone was making reference that MuscleSS was not giving the whole story. If you would of read the original thread you all would realize that Drummerboy broke into an 8ft tall chainlink fence and stole the parts. If he was supposed to take the parts, why were they locked up, why would he of broken in and not called???? Why would of denied he had the parts until he was caught on camera. The thread was obviously started to warn others, not to start trouble. He was trying to help the kid out. Smokin 5's had left good info on his trader rating and he was trying to pay it forward.

  11. huh uh. most people agree that mustangs sound better, and i do not conform to the myth that gm's, especially f-bodies, are more reliable than fords.


    Mustangs are easy to make sound good. That might be why I hear them commonly referred to as noise boxes. LS1's can sound like boats with a bad exhaust choice. I have liked the sounds of my 6 different exhaust setups as well or better than mustangs - Flowdisaster, Hooker, Slp 2otl, Dynomax Ultraflow, Cutout, T.D.s.

  12. and after him saying he needs to focus on graduated i'm thinkin it might be true. its funnier now then it was when i was at the bar drinking and heard it. lol



    I heard the same thing. I didn't take it as shittalking, Paul, so keep your cookies and get your panties out of a bunch.

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