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KZ Kari

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About KZ Kari

  • Birthday October 2

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  • Vehicles(s)
    1982 KZ1000 CSR
    2006 Yamaha FZ6
    2008 Yamaha R6

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  1. I haven't worked out in almost a year, but by better controlling my diet, I've lost close to 60 lbs since last May. Plan to get back into the gym this week. I'm a little concerned because I've never been able to lose weight when working out. I become insatiably hungry after a workout and use my calorie burn as justification to eat more. We'll see how it goes.
  2. I've gone on one ride with the "new to me" bike. I've was able to quickly find using my legs more helps tremendously. Definitely have more to learn, and plan on doing so. :-) Thanks!
  3. Thanks, mojocho. I did just that. I picked up a used 2008 R6 on Tuesday and will keep my FZ6. I suppose asking about ways to increase performance on my FZ6 should have been my first go to question. I just had so much fun on the demo. The acceleration from the FZ6 to the R6 seemed to be a significant, the handling, the sound; I enjoyed it all. Maybe in the long run, I'll change my mind, or find it to be too uncomfortable to be worth it. For now, and while I have the resources to do so, I've gone ahead and have given it a shot.
  4. Thanks, Tonik. I like that advice. I begun and spent a lot of today looking at used models of the R6 (as well as a few others, but I'm still leaning towards the R6). I think that's the right approach. My husband intended to test ride the FZ-09 at the demo ride. He's been talking about getting one of those since spring. Unfortunately, it was unavailable for that day, but he was able to get on the FJ-09, which he really liked. That may also be a new bike in the garage by the end of the week. I'm not so sure about spending the $ to re position the seat on the FZ6 to to positioned like a supersport, although it's an interesting idea. If anything, I may look into ways to increase the power of the FZ6. I'm definitely going to look into the quick turn tube regardless if I purchase an R6 or not. My test ride was closer to 40 mins. I did begin feeling some soreness in my wrist, but it was my face that was most sore from smiling/laughing the whole time. I truly loved it. My commute to work one way is about 40 mins. I don't ride too much longer than that at this point, but if I do, that's why I want to keep the FZ6. The insurance is a great point. I'll need to do a little research on that. Thanks everyone!!
  5. Hi all. My daily rider is a 2006 Yamaha FZ6. I enjoy the bike, but I’ve had some interest in getting supersport for some time. On Friday, I got the opportunity to test ride a 2017 Yamaha YZF-R6 at Iron Pony’s Yamaha Demo Day. I completely fell in love. Throughout the whole ride, I couldn’t stop smiling and giggling at how quickly I was able to accelerate and the overall handling. I thoroughly enjoyed the experience. So much so, I’ve been very seriously considering getting one. The problem… My husband (who used to own a Ninja 636), says I’ll have issues with the overall comfort. I do have back, shoulder and wrist pains. Because of this, I wouldn’t want to sell or trade in my FZ6. So it comes down to am I willing to drop 11-12k on a bike that may become too uncomfortable to ride at times? I’m still on a bit of a high from the ride, so part of me says screw it, you only live once. Realistically, it would be unwise to do so. From my understanding, I can’t just go to dealerships and test ride other makes and models of motorcycles until I find something else. The YZF-R6 is the only supersport I’ve ever ridden. I’m looking for recommendations on a cheaper, comparable alternative. I really don’t have a loyalty to any particular make of motorcycle. Also, I’m looking for recommendations of a reputable dealers in the Columbus area to shop from. I know these recommendations requests are pretty opened ended and I’ll likely get a wide range of responses, but at this point, I don’t know the right questions to ask. I appreciate any help to get me headed in the right direction.
  6. Sounds great, Chuck. I'm not the fastest, but have been out getting more and more miles on and improving my riding. It'd be nice to connect with another women rider in the area.
  7. Well, 15 months later and it's finally open again. About time.
  8. I ride. I've been trying to find women riders in my area for a while, but I kinda suck at going to events and meeting people. Far east Columbus area. I also don't use this forum too often.
  9. When trying to find some more recent data, I stumbled across this article. As mentioned above, I was surprised to find 56% of fatalities were in the age group above 40. On a good note, the overall motorcycle fatalities each year appear to be decreasing. http://www.iii.org/issue-update/motorcycle-crashes
  10. I've been tossing around the idea of selling my 82 KZ1000 csr. I'm not entirely sure at this point, though. I only ride it a couple times a year. Some of seals on the motor need replaced; they're seeping with a little oil. I keep saying I'll pull the motor and put new seals in. I'm a little intimidated by the project, so I haven't started, nor seem to have found the time.
  11. I've never tried what Snot suggested (good info, btw- putting in my back pocket). My last two speeding tickets I went to court to try and get the points reduced (One three years ago, the other last month). The first one in New Albany, I didn't say much but asked for a reduced violation. The magistrate was a huge B. I ended up paying the ticket cost + $85 in court costs. The second in Pataskala, the magistrate was a really nice guy (I listened to him help kids with dUIs try to get their shit together). This time I specifically asked "Can I please get a warning for this one time". He said no. Then I asked, "Is there community service or driving school I could do to keep the points from going to my license?" He said some places are willing to move to a non-moving violation by recording another offense like loud exhaust, but he was unwilling to do so. He did, however, drop my level of speeding 2 levels, so instead of an $152 it was $127. Not much, but nice thought, I guess. Now I just never leave where I'm going without turning on the navigation app WAZE. Or I just don't speed.
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