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About Lost1888

  • Birthday 12/08/1976

Profile Information

  • Name
    Mike D.
  • Location
    Roaming Shores, Ohio
  • Vehicles(s)
    K4 SV650 Nekkid/ 82 Kawi Kz 750 Twin

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  1. email is on it's way. Thanks guys.
  2. Longtime no talk and it seems a longer time no ride. Since I have been busy with my new career I haven't had a chance to get my SV back on the road. What I need done is a complete fork rebuild. It had leaking seals and I decided if I'm opening them up there getting completely overhauled. I have everything I believe I need to get the job done. I now need someone who has the time and know how to do it. I will send or deliver all the Racetech stuff I have already plus the forks. If something else is needed I'll get that also. So...... Anyone want to do this, make a little money and make my 2013 riding season begin? Let me know.
  3. Only thing about advertising around these parts, as I imagine you know, everything is basically word of mouth and the free press. They are at a pretty good location, minus the gravel parking lot, they sell Blue Moon and there are next to no police. Hope it works out for them. I think a bike night would have better luck at Paradise or even in the lawless town of Rock Creek, even though there is only one dive bar left.. Just because there is a little more activity in town than at 6 and 45. Not much but every little bit counts.
  4. I mentioned a bike night to the owner of Paradise Bay, on Rome Rock Lake. Got the idea if I wanted to make it happen he'd like the business. I just don't want to commit to a bike night every week. Can't even commit to my touring rides once a month like I used to.
  5. I should be able to stop by once and a while. Especially since it's 5 minutes from home and there's not much else to do in these parts.
  6. Lost1888

    Magzfest '12

    I'll be at a trade show in Columbus that weekend.
  7. I have the RK chain tool. From what I hear as long as you use it properly it should last forever for someone who's just doing their own bikes or friends bikes. Check the site sponsors for pricing.
  8. Oh by the way I decided to just go to Burton for some coffee and ride around. On my way home I did happen to see a Green Versys rolling south on 534 when I was coming east on Cold Cork Springs road. Thought about chasing it down then said to myself you've already been that way today and didn't.
  9. I'll see how work goes today and decide later.
  10. Now might be a good time to refresh this thread. Somebody go find Bad's totem pole.
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