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Posts posted by Lost1888

  1. If I remember correctly, my Yosh has factory sealant on the end caps. I heated up a razor knife and cut around the seam and worked it back and forth until it came apart. I wasn't super careful though because the skin was going to be cut back from where I was working so I think I also pried with a flat head. a little bit to open it up.

  2. Nice photos! Love the last one.

    Thank you sir.

    Doc the ride was great! Reason I keep on riding was because I just didn't want to stop. Hadn't been out riding in about month before Sun. So, I just keep going. Once I got North I saw the storm rolling in and I just did what I could to stay ahead of it. Which I did with only short periods of drizzle.

  3. Hello all,

    My 11 year old wants to play the trombone in band. So, I'm looking to find a good deal. I don't know if he is going to stick with it or not. He's of an "all over the place kind of kid." Just like me in too many ways. I'll do my part either way. We're going to rent one for the time being. If anyone has one laying around collecting dust let me know what you want for it.


  4. I gotta give mad props to those of you who spanned the state from the lake to the river and back.... you guys are beasts for real....

    All in a days riding my friend. Now Connerot on the other hand, That's some dedication to the group. Next year I should live out his way and add another 40 miles to get anywhere good. Except for Pa. It will be nice to be closer to Pa. That's about it. Minus the being closer to work part.

  5. Actually, I could always use some practice to flush out some demons that seemed to creep up the past couple months.. Paul, you should setup an clinic ride.

    This would be cool. I'm sure I make plenty of mistakes that I would never know unless someone points them out. Most of the time I'm alone so I just do my thing. Even though it very well could be the wrong thing.

    A OR open riding clinic at Nelson would be cool. But I'm poor and probably couldn't afford it. But I'll try to save up.

  6. Home. I'll get the few pictures I have up in a little while.

    Issac's Pappa- I caught up to you on 5/44 in Ravenna, I continued North and you went into town. I was rather surprised. Although there was this black cloud following me and I didn't really want to stop much and see how much rain it had.

    It was a good day.

    NinjaDoc thanks for setting this all up.

    Glad everyone seems to be making it home safe.


  7. Ok.

    Garmin nuvi 755t. So far for this season it's had all the features I could want. Mp3 is great, especially because you have control over all input volume functions independently. For example I have music at 50% and navigation at 70%. Can still hear the outside world of my helmet and when the broad talks to me I can tell the difference between her and the song. My old gps that was a minor issue.

    The other thing everybody already knows about is a proper tank bag. Rapid Transit recon 19 is just about perfect for the SV. Fits the tank flush and stable, has ports and holds my electrics perfectly for the setup I have with a splitter too my Gps and cell phone.

    Last but not least.. A good rear tire. I've been running a Dunlop Roadsmart twice in a row now. I would imagine every bike is different so, I don't say this is the right tire for everybody or every purpose. Just right for me.

    Can't think of anything no one would know about.

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