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Posts posted by Lost1888

  1. Thanks for the moral input, care to lecture on riding attire too? Read the entire sentence, do food and riding mix?:cry:

    Don't like it, don't do it, or consort with those that do. Like riding in the rain, cold, clouds, don't stop at a bar they'll force you to drink a beer.:rolleyes:

    Way to join in the group.

    opinions are like assholes, right, everyone's got one.

  2. Or you could take the BRC and ERC riding coarse for about $25 per.

    Riding with a good group that isn't focused on going as fast as possible. Ride with a couple riders who stay together and have the same ride in mind. Talk to each other and listen without egos.

    *edit* Smooth is fast. If you feel the need to go really fast, you belong on the track.

    Another thing is read some books like "Twist of the wrist" and "Proficient Motorcycling."

    These things have help me out side of just putting on many miles and the repetitive riding roads until you are comfortable with them. Practice makes perfect. In most cases.

  3. Welfare needs to be this: Meals, housing, clothing, and medicine for children and those with real disabilities, and also for those that are of age and not disabled, but are under-employed (note, I didn't say not working). Those that are able and will not work... tough. You had better be a good dumpster diver.

    It has to be tough but compassionate, which is a difficult balance to achieve. The only thing we've done so far is create a dependent social class that is trapped in their poverty.

    True on the last part.

    I do have a question though. Who is going to determine who qualifies to your first paragraph?

  4. That's kinda of what I was thinking, I'm going to have matt and Tony do it for me. That's all they are good for anyway. :D its already a short can but if I cut it it would only take off like 3 inches from where the dent is. I'm worried about the sound really. Is it going to make I sound obnoxious?

    What can do you have? If cutting it will take it down under 12" then it very well maybe obnoxious. It all depends. Do you wear ear plugs. If not might want to in the future.

  5. There has to be some kind of motivation to get off of welfare, even if would only work for some. And if they stop doing drugs, just maybe they'll get cleaned up and want to do something with their lives.

    Sad that I see it this way because I have always been one to say less govt. is more. But this in particular, hits a little too close to home.

    From personal experience. The majority of the drug users are the men and the majority of those men aren't married to the women. So, the women get the assistance and the guys get to keep more of their paychecks without having to pay for things like groceries, clothes and school supplies etc. Local charities and fed assistance provides what they actually need and they spend their monies on what they want. Backward b.s.

    I can remember several people giving me a lecture about how I am stupid for getting married just for the reason stated above. You know the marriage penalty? Guess what it's true, I know first hand. But I still got married and still payed my bills.

    There is always going to be a way around the system. Because the system can't see or do everything. That's why we as Americans need to stand up and say NO, it's time for you to do for you, not me do for you. Quit enabling these people! But some won't do that because they "feel" good helping them. Maybe you would feel better to see them survive on their own. But they would never know that because that's not what their looking for. Feelings, votes, and the like is not what made this country great. The people who did what they didn't/ don't think they could do made this country great. Most of the time with great struggle and perseverance.

  6. I'm not going to get into the details but at one point I received some govt. ass.

    Drug testing would be a good start but not good enough. Many of the people that use this assistance will and do work every direction possible for their own personal benefit.

    Personally I would like to see welfare done away with. Many of the people I lived around in GMHA didn't and still don't try to get out of the system and play every angle possible to get more. It's broken and can never be fixed. Thank God I'm out of that life!

    I'm in the process of buying another house so bare with my stupid analogy-

    When you place a bid on a house you can not lower your bid. Sellers/ banks (in my case) don't go backwards on $. Same goes for welfare. Once one has received it and learns there is no need to work or work harder to get out. They just want more and more and more. It will never stop because once it was offered and taken good luck taking it back.

    I would really love to see family's helping families and communities helping communities directly with no govt. intervention. Never going to happen though.

  7. i dont have any certain rodes i ride, they all kinda suck around here so i just ride and turn where ever i feel like doin so lol...i wanna make a day ride out thru the alleghaney forest around tianesta and such...

    Ride around Leroy. That's about as good as you're going to get for this area. If you look in some previous threads I made maps of all my local after work rides and whatnot.

    word of advice....southwest PA has some decent roads however if you don't want to die from all the construction trucks, I suggest staying away for the next 8-12 years :lol:

    I was down between 30 and 40 a month or so ago and everything was pristine. Maybe around Pitt. But who rides there anyways. :rolleyes:

  8. This is where I took this picture a couple years ago. Haven't found a place to get the city skyline along with the lake yet. Haven't been looking either.

    White City Park- http://maps.google.com/maps?oe=utf-8&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a&um=1&ie=UTF-8&q=Parks+in+East+Cleveland&fb=1&gl=us&hq=Parks&hnear=0x8830fe860c20d48b:0x2efabfe98067cc38,East+Cleveland,+OH&ei=0xtVTv20MsXAtgfe8KmQAg&sa=X&oi=local_group&ct=image&ved=0CAQQtgM


    Fairport Harbor is alright also. Just don't ride up the pier. Coast Guard gets very angry!



    Osborne Park in Willoughby is also a ok spot. not even 2 min. from my house.


  9. I showed you my roads......

    Now you show me yours......

    Oh and I'll be in the county of Bula possibly by the end of this year, maybe next summer at the latest.

    Just get me the hell out of Mentor! Although I do drive or ride thru 3 counties to get to work everyday.

  10. Lets see what kind of maps I have on here.

    I'm most likely out for any riding. Just found out Thursday I have a hernia. So surgery is in store.



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