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Everything posted by Lost1888

  1. There are a lot of different factors that would make a difference. Mine has basically became a fixture on my bike, only time I take it off is to clean the bike, fill up gas, and when I go walk somewhere when I'm out and about. On my typical all day ride it might come off 3-5 times for gas and 2-3 times for lunch or any other reason I'm away from the bike. Most of the scratches buff right out. But I do have a couple from picking up a thing or two on the magnets and not checking before I put it down. Not that it is a big deal to me. I expect some wear. I do have a bike to ride not to just look at. Plus it gives me a good reason to repaint the bike one of these winters when it gets bad enough and I don't have a maintenance that is more important.
  2. Very nice work! Very Nice Bike!
  3. Buy a strap mount http://www.newenoughhp.com/luggage/tank_bags/rapid_transit/recon_19_strap_mount_tank_bag.html
  4. I completely missed this question. I have had no problems at all minus the typical scratches you get from magnets on paint. It holds even at my top speed of 130 or mph. Minus the 10% of course. It did come off on my low side last year but not a scratch on it and everything inside was good including my camera. It came with a sling and back pack straps. I have used the sling but don't use the backpack straps. I take it off the tank any time I go somewhere or walk around. It has a pocket for a hydration bladder. I bought a off brand camel pak from Dunham's Discount sporting goods($9.99) and it works great. I use this on hot summer days when I will be out for a long time. It also has an audio outlet for headphones that should work nice but I don't use it. All I want to hear is my motor Lastly it has a pocket with a attached rain cover I have used many times and works real well. As long as you put it on when it starts to rain. This is all I can think of right now. Hope it answers you questions and any others you might have.
  5. You should read your manual for the basic idea of when to shift. Ride your bike so much you have become one with your machine and shift as you Qi tells you to!
  6. Must go fulfill curiosity! Must ride road, Must ride road soon, Must ride road. I also need to work in 78 up to Burr Oak Lake and 800 on the same day. Maybe something like this? http://maps.google.com/maps?f=d&source=s_d&saddr=McConnellsville+Rd%2FOH-78&daddr=OH-555%2FState+Route+555+SW+to:OH-555%2FState+Route+555+to:OH-26%2FState+Route+26+to:OH-26%2FState+Route+26+to:OH-800%2FState+Route+800+to:OH-536%2FState+Route+536+to:39.740511,-81.49641&geocode=FeRgXgId7NEj-w%3BFbYVXAId_h8d-w%3BFRRoVwIdHyYh-w%3BFchhWwIdhNAo-w%3BFVg4XgIdxkEq-w%3BFWy9WwIdxuor-w%3BFW99XgIdhlMs-w%3B&hl=en&mra=mi&mrcr=6&mrsp=7&sz=11&sll=39.744682,-81.44371&sspn=0.277708,0.490952&ie=UTF8&ll=39.546412,-81.395645&spn=0.278506,0.490952&z=11
  7. Kind of off topic but I do have a question. In all honesty. If you will be so kind. Do you or your fellow officers frequent internet websites, like this one here, to find route plans to mark and patrol the route and pull over riders you are convinced will be there and speeding? I know it's the web and a honest answer is doubtful. Anyways what you got? I can see going to some stunter forums to stalk them. Due to the fact that many of the times they are putting many people in danger by doing stunts in traffic in order to be scene and get attention. But not a forum like this. Call me crazy but I think you all should have better shit to do. Like pull over drunks that go to the same bar everyday and drive home drunk everyday without a care in the world.
  8. Since I basically make my own hours what would work best for those with a conventional work week? The only reason I want to wait is because most of my family stuff happens on the weekend. I can work around just about anything though.
  9. How much for this? http://www.newenoughhp.com/luggage/tail_bags/rapid_transit/combat_motorcycle_tail_bag.html Or this- http://www.thecycleguys.com/default.aspx?PageID=119&CategoryID=17
  10. That's some trust! I wouldn't attempt that in a million years. I love the fact i can get away from the phone when I'm on my bike.
  11. I have ridden with some guys that have GPS. It seems we always end up on a gravel road. Just my experience. Honestly though I'm just jealous but can't justify spending the cash when I don't 'need it'.
  12. Thanks Fonzi. This might be a good bag for those that do some touring and need extra space. http://www.newenoughhp.com/luggage/tank_bags/rapid_transit/the_stack_lt_magnetic_motorcycle_tank_bag.html This is what I think I'm going to get next. for rain gear and other misc. stuff. http://www.newenoughhp.com/luggage/tail_bags/rapid_transit/combat_motorcycle_tail_bag.html
  13. Just get out and ride screw that GPS stuff. Part of the fun is getting lost! My phone goes in there and I rarely look at it. I do have maps but the best roads are not on maps. You just have to go find them. I'm just giving you guys a hard time. Someday I will get GPS but not until it is necessary. Like on 1000 mile multiday, multistate trips.
  14. It's a little over kill considering I still have the OE tool kit under the seat. So yeah I probably could take the bike apart quick especially since I have 2 of everything so if I'm with someone else they can help out also. The only thing I don't have yet just because I always forget about it is a tire repair kit. One of the most important tools
  15. Here you go. Here some of the stuff I have in it for me and whoever I may come along that needs help.
  16. One minute! How many do you want?
  17. I don't remember any gravel We parked right in front of the patio. It was a good place to park just not much to accommodate all that many bikes. Most of the bikes I saw there last year were the 5 or so I would come up there with, 20-25 BS stunt bikes, and maybe 10 cruisers. Once again the reason I don't go is because these type riders with the attitude of I'm cooler, better than you and my shit don't stink. I like occasionally stopping by these type things to check out some bikes (walk through). Not to make friends and find a bunch of 'riding buddies' that don't ride. As I have seen BS spends most of their time on the freeway stunting in traffic (look them up on http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6X4dmha7Kyk. Some of them are alright but I can only take so much BS. 2 each their own.
  18. +1 I have the recon 19. Survived a low side without a scratch and has turn into part of the bike. I never take it off unless I'm washing it. http://www.newenoughhp.com/luggage/tank_bags/rapid_transit/recon_19_magnetic_motorcycle_tank_bag.html
  19. Looks nice. I wish my wife would have interest in riding. Your a lucky man!
  20. Bikestyles is a group of stuntersM I was just asking if that's all. I might make it there once this year. It's like QSL. Not my thing. Do they have better parking for a larger group of bikes.Last year, their first year they had a very small parking area. I was up there a couple times due to the guys I was riding with.
  21. Is it still a Bike Styles event?
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