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Everything posted by Lost1888

  1. I have been told there is always bikes. I would guess mostly Harley's but I don't care. This will be the first time I have been there in years. At least it will give me somewhere to stop for a little to stretch. On there site it says July 7 is a actual bike night. They used to today best bike and give trophies and such but honestly couldn't tell you if the still do it. I made a link in the N.E.riders social group. Here's a link that has a another link to the solon car shows page. http://www.ohio-riders.net/group.php?do=discuss&group=&discussionid=113
  2. This just came to me. I am going to try to start up a list of places I stop by when I have nothing better to do. Solon Car Show-http://www.rnrcsm-new.com/?page_id=5 July 7 Bike Night. I am headed up to Solon tonight just to walk around for a few and then going to go ride around the park or head east on some decent roads to get home. Annebelle's Diner- Weekly Car show http://maps.google.com/maps?hl=en&client=firefox-a&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&hs=t7F&ei=-oglSqCvFtrAtwe467HqBg&resnum=0&um=1&ie=UTF-8&q=Annabelle%27s&near=Eastlake,+OH&fb=1&split=1&gl=us&view=text&latlng=4003933871301638142 Every Fri. & Sat. night in season, Live band some nights. Food & non-alcoholic bev available in diner.
  3. Can't make it. I am going to stop up at the car show in Solon behind the movie theater on Harper road tonight though. It's been 10 yrs. since I have been to it. I have had three people say something about it in the last month so i will go check it out tonight. I might get there around 6 and then go cruise the park and some other stuff.
  4. Well, whats everyone's thoughts? I was thinking of going south.
  5. I just got a can of that and a can of the DuPont Teflon lube I have heard so much about. We will see which one I like better. Yeah it was a good time. We should try to make a trip south next time. When and where is the question. Tomorrow if the weather is alright I am going to a car show in Solon. I used to go there 10 years ago and have heard it has grown and the now have a lot of bikes on a weekly basis. I usually run down 174 during the week just of a little ride and this will just give somewhere to stop on Tuesdays instead of Starbucks. Who am I kidding I still will stop and get a coffee.
  6. My neck of the woods!? I should be able to stop over for the Full Throttle one. No comment on Bad Omen.
  7. It's clean. Now get out and get it dirty so you can clean it again.
  8. More than welcome to come out east with us tomorrow if you would like. But I understand since haven't had much for longer rides. Offers there if you choose. http://www.ohio-riders.com/showthread.php?t=27391
  9. My only rules for group riding with me are as follows.... 1. Ride you own pace. 2. Don't try to be something or someone your not. 3. If the ride is to fast paced for you speak up. No reason to get pissed off and run away. 4. If you are riding in a tight group please ride in a staggered pattern. 5. Communicated your concerns and be honest about your level of riding before we start. 6. Don't do anything that will put anyone else at risk. Wheelies, stoppies and other stunts in the group. 7. Don't ever leave a rider behind. You go as a group you come as a group. 8. Please wear at least a helmet. Jacket and gloves would be nice but I'm not your mother. 9. Have fun 10. Keep your drama at home and don't make more with the group. I could care less what you ride! It's about the ride, not what your riding. I go out to ride with the purpose of enjoying the ride the scenery and being around like minded people. So if you feel the same way LET'S GO RIDE!
  10. Lost1888

    5/23 ride

    Alright all! Now's the time to speak up. The ride that is advertised as 5/23 is this Saturday 5/30. We are going to Pa. Here is another link about it if you missed. It is going to be an all day ride and have spirited points and cruising points. We will follow the map as close as possible. I am hoping if we make good time we can look for a cut through to avoid route 6 deep in the ride. There has to be some other roads over that way that have to be fun. Something off 666. But it all depend on you guys and time. I plan on meeting rslocum around 8 and getting to the 90 and 7 around 9. If anyone wants to join in make it known. Many of the Svrider crew are headed down to the Gap at the beginning of the week. The one guy that showed interest hasn't chimed in lately so I'm guessing he is a no go. As of right now it's 2 of of us and I think I can go out on a limb and say 3. But I really don't know for sure.
  11. How about you and I meet at Bp at 8 and if Conn-e-rot is coming we can meet him at 90 and 7 at a gas station. Around 9 and we will head out then. Or would you 2 rather start earlier or later? I'm ready to go! With all the rain this week I have been cooped up and need to get out and ride.
  12. Rep for you sir! And put their hand over their heart. I guess many are just to good for that kind of respect any more! God bless that Child! And God Bless the U.S.A.!
  13. What happens behind closed doors to people who would do the same thing or worse if they had the chance is fine with me. The people that are getting this treatment are the same people who behead and torture in ways that most of us couldn't fathom. War and the art of war is an ugly thing and some times ugly things have to happen in order to prevent worse things from happening. Sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't. Who the hell am I to know. I have never had my life at the risk or known of the risk that would demand this type of action. It is a reality that many of us don't know the realism about and wouldn't truly understand until we had to deal with it directly. Kind of like loosing a child. Which I have dealt with myself and have had many people say what they would do and how they would feel. But you just don't know until the decision is right in front of you. Sure it's two completely different things but I think you should get my point. Unless you have all the facts in front of you you can't make a educated decision that is going to get anyone anywhere. Assumptions are a waste of time and we all assume we know all the facts. Typical know it all bullshit. I hear it every day from people who run on emotions and hearsay on all different types of situations. "Woulda, Coulda, Shoulda, But didn't!" Personally I am for waterboarding. Say what you want! I also don't think I would ever need to find out how bad it may or may not be. I am in no way planning or doing anything I believe would deserve such treatment. If I was then I should expect it ,reason being I am pro capital punishment and believe in do unto others. It it was up to me I would just slowly electrocute them. Something make me think this would be the most effective. What gets me is this whole rules of war B.S. It's kill or be killed!
  14. Lost1888


    And another 1!
  15. I go ATGATT at all times. Whole other thread about that. http://www.ohio-riders.com/showthread.php?t=27481 Boots didn't bother me when I first got them and don't now. I think it would depend on the boots you have. But I don't know I'm on my first pair of motorcycle specific riding boots. Always wore work boots and hiking boots before. Riding with one hand on the grips to me isn't a big deal. If you are comfortable with it go ahead. I do this quite often on the freeway and backroads, depending on road conditions, traffic, terrain, ect. The inertia of the bike is going to keep you up unless something goes terribly wrong.
  16. Lost1888


    So who's watching?
  17. I just trying to start some shit.
  18. Seems like we might be the only 3 that will do this ride. Maybe we just aren't in the cool kids club. Maybe the mileage is to much? People have to much going on? Scared to cross the border? Need more post whore time? I just don't get it!
  19. Lost1888

    5/23 ride

    I also mentioned this ride on Svrider but haven't had much of any interest. Just one guy I have ridden with before asked what time we were headed out.
  20. Lost1888

    5/23 ride

    I'm still in. I would guess we would meet at something like 10-11am. It all depends on where everyone is coming from and how early everyone gets moving.
  21. Lost1888


    Playoff Basketball!!!! You gotta love it!
  22. Lost1888


    It's looking better but IMO still not good enough. It seems as they are still playing on their heels.
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