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Everything posted by skrewloose

  1. Marine Corps. 4th MarDiv and 3rd FSSG (Oki)
  2. was just going to post this... co-worker told me about it ... ridiculous. Need to send CAX (Combined Arms Exercise) to that location!!! Sniper practice. Wipe them out, put it on the news and play it world-wide. We don't protect our own home... too busy pissing in everyone else's pond.
  3. happy b-day ... where's the festivities?
  4. does well in the short sections ... but once the track opens up .... the lack of top end really shows. Make up as much ground as possible in the corners .... the belt lacks gearing changes as well for the track ... better canyon/street bike than a track machine ... still fun as hell ....
  5. they are not referred to as "shit-ko" for nothing.
  6. thought he was calling you "Nancy" .... or "betty" ... or some other lovingly caring name for a bitch....
  7. Waste of $$ ... I had two show up a week a part. Told the first one, I was the only one at that address and that was the only answer they were getting (was working on the bike in the garage) .... the second one, I asked her how much I was paying for two of "you" to show up and ask me the same #$%)(* question(s)? She left.
  8. got a reply ... paypal sent ... just waiting on confirm .... think I'm good-to-go ... thanks!!!!!!!!!
  9. yeah yeah .... lmao .... would like to see what a chain drive would do with the gearing on the buell .... give me a little more running room ....
  10. called the ones close to me to start ... cycletherapy, etc .... trying to hit all my options ... figured with some racers being on here, someone may have one laying around .... suggestions always welcome since I know I can't think of everything ..... got about half-dozen pm's out so far ... just waiting on one to pan out.
  11. lol ... working through them ... just replied to one ... right side for $40 ...
  12. hadn't got to either of those... posted on localriders, here and a couple of others... also been checking salvage yards. EDIT : looking through the link --- right side only salvageable piece was the foot peg .... looks like it broke right at the bracket. thnx.
  13. believe 06-09 will fit ... part num : 43511-01H01
  14. glad your family is ok. Kind of both sides of what people are like in that story. Good some people stepped up to the moment and did the right thing.
  15. AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm ready for the next one .... well, after I get the fork seal fixed, new tires and a oil change.... been tooo damn long since I have been on a track ... would be nice to have a bike with more top end though ....
  16. after a couple of stops for coffee, gas and pee .... about midnight.
  17. Good time... survived... learned a new track ... met some new faces .... until next time
  18. don't like the fact that it is a .380 ... not bashing the round or anything, more like suppliers ... it just isn't as easy to find as 9mm ... and all it is, is a 9mm with a shorter casing (by 2mm) ...
  19. SimpleGreen (maybe) and Goof-Off
  20. the jardine is a bit like a woman ... needing constant attention .... it is the repacking every 5k miles or so before the rivets start to wear the case that is the problem
  21. google it ... it is just a lower 12S ... biohazardcycles.com has the GP-1 for just under $300 ... ironmachine.com is another site... think normal cans are just over $300 ... http://www.google.com/search?ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&sourceid=navclient&gfns=1&q=buell+jardine+exhaust+xb12s
  22. they suck ... over priced, morons.
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