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Posts posted by cmh_sprint

  1. On the calendar. I think Fontana is the only place that fits the size of our group and price point we are looking for. I have been searching the webz and have found nothing in the area that has location, price point and size that fits our gathering. We would have to split into smaller groups of 10 - 15 to keep the price point and location.

  2. I thought the federal courts were above the political party bickering.  So now I have no confidence in any of the 3 branches of the US Gov't.

     Anytime you have judges that are appointed rather than voted in, you can be assured the fix is in.

    • Upvote 2
  3. This has happened before sometimes in error, some times as a deliberate act. In this case it interesting that based on some reports the flight was 150 east of it's normal route. Not sure if was weather related or not. Also 100 of the top AIDS researchers in the world were killed in this incident.


  4. Out of those 3 groups of fans i'm pretty sure none of them are associated with violent crimes like the juggalos. Every band has it's hard core fan base. In this case the fan base has been shown to have an affinity for committing violent crimes, terrorizing locals and general mayhem. Get over being butt hurt and realize that everytime someone other than a fellow juggalo see's your tat they are going to snicker and laugh inside. It's your life choice, good, bad or indifferent. Oh and the same goes for the Bengals tat, life choices....... :)

    • Downvote 1
  5. So much of this!!!!

    The asshole that built the deck on my house used nails and the longevity on that is bunk. So many popped boards and nails on this damn thing

     the mid-winter sounds of nail pops keeps things interesting. :)  I sucked it up and built a 20x20 raised paver patio a few years ago. It was a pain but lack of major maint. made it worth while.

  6. It's sad that we're the only developed country where this shit happens on a regular basis. Seems like every week now.


     way to almost quote our asshat of a president word for word and not give him credit. troller's are gonna troll


    taken from an article on yahoo.com

    “I've got two and a half years left. My biggest frustration so far is the fact that this society has not been willing to take some basic steps to keep guns out of the hands of people who can do just unbelievable damage,” the president said. “We're the only developed country on Earth where this happens. And it happens now once a week. And it's a one-day story. There's no place else like this.”



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