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Posts posted by cmh_sprint

  1. That would be the pressure tank. When you checked your pressure tank did you drain the entire system? If not then you didn't get an accurate reading. If you did and the pressure was low you most likely have a hole in the bladder which = new pressure tank.

  2. Yes columbus Georgia.

    Ok glad that was sorted out because it could have been any of the following:

    Columbus, Indiana

    Columbus, Mississippi

    Columbus, Nebraska

    Columbus, Texas

    Columbus, Wisconsin


    or my personal favorite Columbus, Montana


    This is why I love OR. We all come together to support and assist fellow members. It warms my heart.  :)

  3. There will be an Ebola vaccine. Eventually. Canada, Japan and the UK are in progress. But it's basically compressing ten years of research into 12 months. Any sort of clinical trials to prove it works will begin now and take some time. At least one of the vaccines should work.


    The USA was unable to proceed on developing a vaccine due to the recession, lack of funds, mismanagement of funds, misappropriation of funds, lack of guidance and leadership, political infighting and general disagreement on how to proceed.


    But we have an Ebola czar. No one else does. We should feel safe now. Yes, that was sarcasm.

    That second paragraph is the manta for just about every mid-sized to large company and government entity in this country. It's like watching the proverbial monkey fucking a football everywhere you look.

  4. Who says they followed Universal precautions? I have not seen that stated anywhere. I have seen where the nurse did not follow all of the guidelines. Look at the Dr. that is the medical corespondent for NBC. Voluntarily went into quarantine with her team but then decided she needed to grab some take out so they went out and grabbed some only to get spotted. I know a good number of people in healthcare and some of them have they worst hygiene practices. The weak link is the healthcare workers, period.


    edited to correct spelling issues

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  5. Due to the polar vortex and extreme ice cover last year all of the Great Lakes are colder than their long term averages with Superior being 6+ degrees colder than the long term average. Scientists are hoping that the weather in the Great Lakes region is warmer than normal for the next month to keep the lakes from cooling too quickly. If they cool too quickly the lake effect snow machine gets turned off and could negate the record water level rebound the lakes had this year. Lake Superior has risen over 18" since April.

  6. Just looked at the schedule and I hope they still plan to run Moto 2 & 3 along with what is proposed as MotoAmerica support races. Those 2 classes are the best racing there is. If not MotoGP is out at Indy, IMO. You won't get the international crowd just for GP. The international fans make up a significant amount of the track crowd.

  7. Waste of tax payer money. I find the majority of people who don't pay attention to what thy are doing are the mini van SUV driving early to mid 30s mom with babies in the back.

    BTW if you are over 30 and get knocked up for the first time you don't need a fuciing baby shower or any kind of special attention. And if you are over 35 when you get knocked up you should need to go through mandated psychological screening.

    I would really love to hear your logic behind this. Most of the distracted drives I see are late teens to early 30 with their attention on their phones, putting on make-up or reading the paper or a book. Your statement about when to have kids is fucking moronic at best. My wife was 37 when we had our first and 39 when we had our second. I was 36 and 38 I wouldn't have had it any other way. I was too selfish and immature to have kids earlier in life.

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  8. there are 2 options that we can see at this point., one being an e-book and one being a paper book with a digital component (web based, subscription). Looking to see what is the best software / platform to use for the written portion as well as any information on video production as this is a "how to" project. The partner that she is working with brings a potential global market in to play from his  contacts and professional reputation.

  9. My wife is considering beginning a project of writing a book that would also have a multimedia component, Does anyone have experience with either publishing or video production? We are at the very beginning on this and other than most likely needing a lawyer engaged due to a partner being involved we are looking for any advice we can get.

  10. My response is going to be biased but the 1050 motor is like butter, smooth and sweet.It has a large power band that is nice if you get stuck in any sort of traffic, you don't have to continually bounce up and down through the gear box. From around 4500 on up it has a very nice pull. The Speed Triple would be the most comfortable from a ergo perspective as well if you plan on any long riding days. Good luck with your decision!

  11. You may have to be CAUV. which means you grow or raise and sell something and I thought that had to be 10 continuous acres. Hence, why cows are a good ideas for me.

     Correct. For 10 acres or less you have to prove you made $2000 off the crop or land usage. More than 10 and you just fill out a paper with what you are using the land for and how many acres are being used. The local county may or may not inspect the land at any given point to ensure your CAUV is valid. Once you get CAUV never get rid of it or you pay 3 years in back taxes.

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