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Posts posted by cmh_sprint

  1. We are a big Six Sigma company. Have you done your Green Belt? In order to get your Black Belt you have to complete the training as well as at least one project. I'm a Green Belt so I may be able to answer some of your questions. I also have a god friend who is a Black Belt i can put you in touch with.

  2. Dan and I are both looking to solidify our plans for the trip to the Gap.

    Currently I think I have a spot in Cmh Sprint's cabin, though I just messaged him to confirm and I'm awaiting his reply.

    If that slot happens to have been filled, Dan and I could split a cabin with someone else that might be interested in making the trip.

    I currently don't know how I'm getting my bike and myself down. If anyone has room on a trailer and a seat in a vehicle, I'll happily chip in my share for the gas. I rode down last year with another group outside of OR. I'd prefer to not do that this year, but will if necessary.

    I just sent you a confirmation. Our cabin is now full.






  3. Because that's what Jordyn's letter was about. if you choose to say Columbus sucks because of their sports team that leaves the door wide open to dump on Cleveland. The home of a team that is more worried about the shade of shit their helmet color is rather than putting a competitive team on the field. :face palm:

  4. I think you meant to say the ARC. I thought the ARC was worthwhile, and I intend to take it again this year.

    You are correct sir. I would like to take it early this year. A good way to shake off some of the rust.

  5. Agree with everthing MT stated. I went through this last year. I ended up buying a new Exmark. Compare a residential grade to comercial grade side by side and you'll see the difference. From an engine perspective Kawasaki is seen as a better option over Kohler. A good used mower will fit your needs.

  6. if the are all the way through the drywall you can buy a patch kit at Lowes, Home Depot, etc. that has a fiber mesh you put over the hole and fill over. If the holes aren't all the way through just fill with spakle and sand. You may have to fill and sand a couple of times if they are deep holes.

  7. How big are the holes? Painting is a piece of cake. Do 3x3 sections, rolling in a criss, cross fashion until the section is covered, starting at the top of the wall working to the bottom.. Once an entire ceiling to floor section is complete roll straight up and down the wall with light pressure on the roller. Over lap the roller on each straight up and down a few inches.

  8. It's beyond that. Stores and breeders are one thing (PLEASE don't ever buy a bred pet from a store, and PLEASE always consider a rescue first), but that's not the real reason RESCUES charge a fee. It's to make sure new owners are serious and not just trying to turn the animals for profit to fighting, breeding and experimentation markets. It's to pay for medical expenses for that animal as well as others with more serious injuries and maladies that are treated because it's the right thing to do even if the shelter can never pay for those procedures from just adoption fees. It's to pay for spaying/neutering of that animal and often 1-2 others to make at least some dent in the numbers of discarded pets. It's to help defray the costs of flyers, adoption web listings, fuel, heat, electricity and so many more expenses incurred just in operating a shelter.

    I have a good friend who operates a shelter in Columbus and others who foster dogs out of the kindness of their hearts. You would not believe what they have to see every week - the tragedy of human carelessness and pettiness and immaturity on these animals who are left outside in in lament weather, malnourished, unexercised, diseased and/or rarely experience the pack/family life a pack animal deserves.

    Thanks for detailing out what i was inferring by my statement. I was trying to keep my response simple for the simpleton i was responding to.

  9. Then every rescue in the country is a dog abuser. They ask for a re-homing fee for every single movement of a dog. Still have the dog, happy as can be and she has a big fenced in back yard to play in, now that i work from home and run my own company.

    No they are not. They are a business. You were an immature asshat. Would you like some milk with that cookie for running your own business?

  10. Dog abusing ? You took all that from a young kid trying to get rid of his dog, when he was in college?

    Yep. You were basically holding that puppy for ransom instead of doing the right thing and giving it to a good home. You wanted $100 because you didn't make a good decision and wanted to minimize your losses. College kid or not, still a selfish move by someone who previously proved he was an immature asshat.

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  11. Best wishes on fighting this beast. I have been fighting since the 22nd. Slept 16 hours on both xmas day and the day after. Now i get 1 day where i'm running at about 90%, the next i'm at 50%. I haven't been this sick in over a decade.

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