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Posts posted by cmh_sprint

  1. It's more the venue than anything else. Indy is really meant to host 300,000+ in the oval grandstands, so when they have 65,000 for the GP (a respectable crowd) with a large number in the infield, it looks a bit empty.

    Walking around the track itself, it didn't feel empty at all, IMO.

    Agreed. I think the crowd was actually larger this year than the past few years.

    Also, I was remiss in telling Hailwood how great his pictures were in my first post. :bow:

  2. I couldn't agree more about the weekend and racing. I bet there are going to be some serious conversations between Dorna and IMS about the track conditions. There were more riders down on Saturday than the last 4 years combined. I wish Columbus would talk to Indy about how to hold events. Downtown Indy is always a treat, even more so this year with all the GenCon folks walking around.

  3. So your jobless?

    Sucks man

    If he is then he can feel the wrath of ped for sucking off the tax payers tit. Oh, that right, he'll be fine in a few weeks once football starts because " I'm a beast when it comes to betting on football."

  4. Let look at it like this, the best thing about ped ran down his mother's leg at conception. It is actually more sad that she didn't make HIM a stain on the sheets at a doctors office somewhere IMHO.

    To far? Nah this piece of shit earned it.

    + rep. To far? Not even close for that douchebag, knuckle dragger. All I can say is that karma is a bitch and when it bites him it is going to hurt like a motherfucker.

  5. Lol, affraid of some good competition? I'm a beast when it comes to betting on football.

    Wow, if you were such a beast at betting on football you should be making bank with all of your prognosticating skills instead of working 2 jobs. As usual your BS is so easy to see to see through it really is no longer fun to fuck with you. Move on little man.

  6. Tuesday Sept 9th at 9pm

    I can always change the date but I would prefer it to be after the preseason or at least after the 3rd game of the preseason for injury and depth factors

    I just registered and it shows the draft at 3 p.m. EST on the 4th. I agree, the draft should be after the preseason.

  7. I will say this.. On some bikes, you might be overweight for the springs, so ill get you dialed in as close as possible and offer some suggestions from there.

    That would be my situation.

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