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Posts posted by cmh_sprint

  1. RIP Art. Thanks for ripping the hearts out of my friends who were Cleveland Browns fans and for ruining one of the greatest rivalries in sports. I know a long list of people waiting to piss on his grave.

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  2. yoww, hard hits. Even hard roll. Sunglasses explode off passenger's faces and fly away.

    What the heck was he doing chopping the throttle full on and off? durrrr

    dubstep edit:

    Hillarious version for 2 reasons, shows how the driver looks like he gets knocked out from an invisible punch and the incredible water facial the woman in the green bikini gets. LMAO!

  3. Alright all you Wolverine "fans" let me refresh your memory. In 2005 and 2006 the Buckeyes played Texas in the second game of the season both years. In 2005 Texas was ranked 2nd and in 2006 they were ranked 3rd while the Buckeyes were ranked 6th and first respectively. In 2008 and 2009 OSU played USC who was ranked 2nd both years. Every team books patsies and strong teams, it goes in cycles do some fact checking. Get off your high horses and do some fact checking before you start running off at the mouth.

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