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Posts posted by cmh_sprint

  1. Yeah, shits getting crazy, I just hope they don't jump the shark.

    I called that before the season started. Season was good until last week. The end of the episode was the skis approaching the ramp. No reason for Gemma to be on the road, no info on why she was fucked up, just because it fit. This has happened a few times already this season. Plot lines that begin for no reason and end the same way.

  2. the lawsuit is lame. She had a heart condition, right? Well, they should have taught her to be more careful. I have weak ankles sometimes, that's why i don't walk near cliffs.

    This sums it up. When I saw the story on the news last night they railed against Monster for a few minutes, then showed that the average person could consume some outrageous amount of Monster before reaching a toxic level of caffeine and the very quickly said she had a pre-existing health issue. As a parent who has a child with a heart condition that has to see a Cardiologist, you know what your kid should and shouldn't have. Bullshit case that should not see the light of day.

  3. My friend and I stop in there all the time. They never hassle us. Are cool guys and just doing their job. They do have a lot of nice bikes and have cleaned it up from the place it was before. We haven't had any service done, but another friend recommended them, so we'll try them when needed.
    I think that was when it was Hines, not Maxx. There is no one there named Mitch.

    Interesting thread to make your first 2 posts in place of making an introduction. Could be you or your friend are more than just passing customer's. Not knocking you either way, just saying.

  4. Just out of curiosity, what kind of backstop are you shooting into?

    I'd like to eventually have some land where I can ride, shoot, paintball, etc., but the logistics of creating a suitable backstop have always struck me as somewhat cost-prohibitive, unless there's a natural elevation change that makes such precautions unnecessary.

    In the alternative, I was reading either North Ridgeville or North Olmstead's bow-hunting ordinance, and they require ALL shooting to be done from a stand that is 8' or taller.

    I presume this is to create a downward trajectory for all arrows, and thus make over-flight a non-issue. Why wouldn't the same principle work for firearms?

    Building an 8' platform is probably less expensive than moving several tons of dirt to create an artificial backstop, no?

    just thinking out loud I guess.

    There is a natural hill that is the back stop. I have some work to do to make it a bit safer. Behind the hill is a 100 acres of farm field. The closest structure is over a mile away.

  5. The last hundred bales we bought were $7/ bale. Prices are expected to top out at $12/$15 bale by the time spring roles around. We just found some for $3. The key is to find small hay farmers. They are much more reasonably priced. Our neighbor needs 2000 bales to get him through. That is a big nut to crack.

  6. So uncle matt when is the family cook out\gun meet:D

    Probably in the spring. It needs some work. I cut it out of old farm land that has not had anything done to it on over 10 years.

    In! Will Den Momma be making snacks?

    Den Momma will make treats for you. I told her she needs to join OR and use that as her screen name. :)

    Sweet! Too bad Marysville is 3 hours away. What are you shooting.

    Just shooting her .380 right now. I am currently sans handgun.

    Broke the range in this afternoon. We put 50 rounds through the Bersa. Nice gun and best of all she likes it.

    Den Momma putting her first round down range, first time she had ever shot a gun.


  7. Since we've gotten an iPad, we've almost completely stopped using the desktop. It's probably my favorite tech toy in the house.

    This is the same for me. My laptop pretty much functions as my media player and that's it. I don't understand the mini iPad but agreed they will sell shit loads of them.

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