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Posts posted by cmh_sprint

  1. I had this happen about 2 years ago after CenturyLink bought Sprint. My DSL modem failed and they sent me a new one, no big deal. The next month I see a $5 "equipment lease" fee. I called and asked about it and was told that since Sprint was no longer in existence they had moved me under Centurylink's policies. I pulled all of my old paper work and told them I was on a lifetime contract and that I should not be charged this fee. After talking to 4 different managers the fee was removed and they gave me a $100 credit.

  2. hmmmmm

    I guess Ill repeat what I said here.



    Does anyone find it odd that SakeRocket just happened to join after the threads about Woodbury and his only posts are related to Woodbury and firearms he has bought there.

    Something smells off.

    +1. That's exactly what i thought. I saw his post spewing his love juice for Woodbury and his new ACOG, then posting in defense of Woodbury here.

  3. Ive always heard that market value was driven by supply and demand.

    Did you have a receipt for your special order or a written contract? Im sure they didnt want to take any money because they didnt want to commit based on the unknown. Look at whats happening now they arent selling for less than $1000. Sure you see them advertised on the web for less but anyone can advertise a price for something they dont have. I think people are forgetting a big factor in market value

    MSRP is only a suggested price set by the manu based on what they foresee a reasonable price based on their costs of manufacturing and R&D remmember its Kel Tec were talking about just look at property costs beach front houses that are tiny cost millions sometimes and monster houses in the middle of nowhere cost pennies in comparison. I dont blame woodbury at all its just smart business

    Id do the same thing and you would too

    Any chance you have an in with or are related to the douchebag business that pulled this stunt? Based on this post and your other one about your ACOG, you seem firmly entrenched up thier ass. They pulled a complete BS move because they saw $ signs in place of customer loyalty. Todd and others may not have had a written contract but they did have a verbal agreement which would hold up in court. I personally have never been in their store or done business with then but based on their actions i hope they fail miserably.

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