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Posts posted by cmh_sprint

  1. Nice! I was at the Walmarts today. forgot to go look.

    Edit: just looked at the Walmarts site and didnt see anything like that deal.

    Black Friday deals. Check out the Black Friday deal thread.

  2. Use the "Preview Post" button from now on. ;)

    I normally do. I was trying to get it to post like a youtube video rather than a link. Tried posting the code link and hit post rather than preview and IP caught it in the 10 seconds it was posted. Damn lurkers, just waiting to pounce on someones fuck up. :)

  3. While I am torn about JoePa being fired I do see the reasoning behind hit. What I don't get is why Mike McQuery is still employed, he did the exact same thing Joe Pa did. He should have been axed last night as well. Maybe he will be in the future . If anyone saw the press conference when they announced the decision on JoePa, it was very clear that this was a snap decision.

  4. the JoePa "retiring" at the end of the season as a compromise to this issue makes me laugh. This was the last year of his contract and it was pretty much known among recruits this was likely his last hurrah, especially if he won the Big 10

    +1. Cheap PR spin for the University. Plus it's been rumored Urban Meyer already bought a home in State College.

  5. You definitely have more self control than I do, I would've put my foot on the gas pedal just to piss her off more. Damn, you were way too nice to her. :D
    i would have revved the engine blowing soot all over her ass until she popped a blood vessel and started swinging - then id knock that bitch out in self defense and have her ass arrested
    So much this!

    What a fat, ugly, cunt!

    This was my thought too. Keep punching the throttle and let the black smoke roll!

    So much win. If someone did this to me in my Excursion I would hit the accelerator and hold it at about 3K and tell the bitch to breath deep.

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