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Posts posted by cmh_sprint

  1. I bought a vintage Pioneer from someone on eBay. It was about $120 plus $20 to ship. When it came it was in a brand new double thick box and bubble wrapped. It was perfect. He cleans and lubes all the controls and replaces every bulb. Some guys will do a cap job for more money (that's where they change out all the capacitors on the boards).


    Fap, fap, fap.... That brings back memories.

  2. Yes.....so called Christians have been some of the worst of the bunch, but can't say I have heard of a Buddhist, Jew, Hindu etc.......that have it out for anyone that doesnt believe like they do. No doubt there are many different Muslim people out there, good and bad alike. I am not much of a news kinda guy, not real confident in our media and their agendas. I simply have my gut feeling which tells me not to trust them, and I don't feel that way about any other belief/religion or those with no religious following. And yes, maybe I do know somebody whom has had real dealings/experiences with Muslims.;)

    Ok, maybe you should at least do a little reading to expand your knowledge. As far as other religions having it out for others that don't believe like them do some research on Israel and any of it's neighbors, India and Pakistan as well as China and Tibet and toss in the Protestant's and Catholic's for good measure. I'm glad that I am intelligent enough to not condemn a whole religion or belief system do to input from outside entities, but to each his own. That's what makes this a great country, freedom of thought and expression.

  3. Why would I be trolling, and how am I "wrong" for feeling that way? I don't trust a single one of them and I never will, yet I have no hatred toward them whatsoever. There are allot of fucked up belief systems/cults and whatever else ya wanna call them in the world, but what is happening in the USA right now with all the Muslim's is not going to end well. And by the way.......I am not totally ignorant about the Muslim religion, there are both good and bad out there just like some professed Christians claim to be.

    Why stop at Muslim's, why not go with Buddists, Judaism, Hiduism....There are a lot more Jews than Muslims in this country, more Buddists as well and slightly less Hindu's. Organized religion as a whole has peaceful teachings, it's the extremists that skew the teachings, every religion has terrorists associated with it. Christianity is no different, remember the Crusades and witch hunts?

    I'm curious as to why you believe what you do? Personal experience, reading unbiased news, etc.

  4. Our family will say goodbye to one of our Basenji's (Hobbes) on Friday. He would have been 13 on Christmas day. Hobbes never stopped being a puppy until about 2 months ago when he went from being his normal self to completely blind in less than 2 weeks. He has cancer and we have been trying to keep him around for as long as possible without being selfish. This week he has stopped eating dog food and we have been giving him dog treat and mashed potatoes. He will greatly missed by us along with his twin brother and our lab.





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