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Everything posted by cmh_sprint

  1. You need that and a Tank Girl outfit and you'd own Cleveland.
  2. LOL, i did the same thing. First though was i need to look something else up on urban dictionary and i re-read it.
  3. Wind buffeting would be a bitch
  4. One on the great shows of my youth. RIP Col. Potter.
  5. Ok, maybe you should at least do a little reading to expand your knowledge. As far as other religions having it out for others that don't believe like them do some research on Israel and any of it's neighbors, India and Pakistan as well as China and Tibet and toss in the Protestant's and Catholic's for good measure. I'm glad that I am intelligent enough to not condemn a whole religion or belief system do to input from outside entities, but to each his own. That's what makes this a great country, freedom of thought and expression.
  6. Why stop at Muslim's, why not go with Buddists, Judaism, Hiduism....There are a lot more Jews than Muslims in this country, more Buddists as well and slightly less Hindu's. Organized religion as a whole has peaceful teachings, it's the extremists that skew the teachings, every religion has terrorists associated with it. Christianity is no different, remember the Crusades and witch hunts? I'm curious as to why you believe what you do? Personal experience, reading unbiased news, etc.
  7. Our family will say goodbye to one of our Basenji's (Hobbes) on Friday. He would have been 13 on Christmas day. Hobbes never stopped being a puppy until about 2 months ago when he went from being his normal self to completely blind in less than 2 weeks. He has cancer and we have been trying to keep him around for as long as possible without being selfish. This week he has stopped eating dog food and we have been giving him dog treat and mashed potatoes. He will greatly missed by us along with his twin brother and our lab.
  8. all I can say is WOW! Sure hope your trolling....
  9. David meets the Jets meets the Police......
  10. Glad to hear things worked out Greg. As is the case most of the time, you just need to get the right phone to ring.
  11. Just illustrates once again money doesn't equal brains.
  12. I need an ark at my place. Clay + 3 significant rains in 2 weeks = a flooded fucking mess. BTW, i'd take snow over rain any day.
  13. The Mrs and I are in. May have a buddy coming in from Detroit as well.
  14. Looks great Keith! I love the look of the radiator guard.
  15. I was thinging the same thing. With the combination of his screen name and the thread topic, I though he might might somehow genetically related to That Dude and OR's favorite whipping boy Ringo.
  16. I would have love to have been the LEO responding to that.
  17. +1. It's a shame too. Back in the early to mid-90's Columbus radio was great. 99.7 played hard rock and metal, 96.3 was good for a good range of classics (even rare off the beaten track stuff) and CD101 had a great college radio feel to it. I'm glad I've got XM in the Sonota. I listen to Opie and Anthony in the morning and a mix of stations the rest of the day or fall back on the my Ipod. I'd almost go one step further and state that radio as a whole is all but dead. There are a few good stations around, just not around Ohio.
  18. cmh_sprint


    Bravo, bravo......
  19. Why ask people to rat out their neighbors when they want to be able to arrest with no charges. Granted IP theft and terrorism are at opposite ends of the spectrum but this is some scary shit and can see this power getting abused. http://rt.com/usa/news/senate-mccain-battlefield-graham-429/
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