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Everything posted by jbot

  1. Well, here's where I'm coming from: I own the house out right I don't need to rent it out So if that tells you anything about my mindset in being patient and picky about renters, I was pretty damn picky. I actually had a realtor I had hired in the past lined up as a tenant, but she bailed last minute for a better location and price (couldn't blame her and we didn't have anything signed so no hard feelings from me except in my pants cause she is kinda hawt lol). btw, I had 2 other very interested renters who were willing to pay my listed monthly rental price but I went with this family who talked me down to 1200/month. I'm going to do a walk through a few weeks after they move in to see how they're doing and to see how their pets are doing. I'm realistic, I know there's a chance this family will ruin my shit and run off a couple months in, but I dunno. I hope I'm a better judge of character than that. They really seem like good hard working people. We will see. Worst case scenario, they destroy everything, and we will have a good laugh at my expense. A price must be paid for naïveté... Lets just hope I get lucky.
  2. Pretty damn good prices from what I can tell. Seriously considering a rifle can and 45 pistol can.
  3. well, after interviewing a dozen or more people, i finally found a family i liked and am willing to rent to. husband and wife with kids and pets. husband is a army vet who has a steady job at a big corp nearby. the wife works for some other company, but the husband makes more than enough for them to live on. we'll see how it goes. if it's a nightmare, i'll evict and sell. if they are great tenants, i'll keep them around for as long as they want to stay and probably rent it again, taking my time and screening people that i didn't like. i'll update this thread with any new developments. thanks for all the input. let's hope i can prove the nay sayers wrong, and that my general faith in humanity is not misplaced.
  4. jbot

    WTT pistols possibly

    i have a Sig p229 in 9mm but no rail that i would possibly trade for the FNP, but not sure how important that rail is. anyway, let me know. i think i have 3 or 4 mags.
  5. holy shitballs, that's a good deal.
  6. i dunno, i think they both kinda suck and should probably die in a fire but yeah, it's better than nothing, and our version of "better than nothing" is still better than just about all the other countries. murrica, motherfucker!
  7. wow, good on them for beating cabelas to the punch
  8. only democan'ts double post. milking the system for all its worth!!1!!11!11!1
  9. like j_copeland says, this is why you've been paying insurance, for moments like these. sit back, and watch them work his swerving ass over. it'll probably be worse than what you could do (without going to jail over a fender bender, anyway) you can poop on his car though.
  10. "shall not infringe" the right to use the term "cock gargling" every chance possible
  11. as always, i'm here to help! and it's funny you think that everyone who disagrees with you or your cock gargling ways is a "repuke" lolololol some of us just think you're dumb as shit and it's good for the lols. i'm glad you're enjoying it.
  12. so much anger and pain. back pedaling couldn't have put you in THAT bad of a mood. there, there. it'll hurt less if you would just ease up on jamming that tasty obama dick in your throat so roughly. every once in a while, you should cough it up, wipe away the tears, take a deep moany breath and spit on it. THEN let it sliiiiiide back in, but go easy. you'll feel right as rain once the swelling in your throat goes down. if it gets infected, get on anti biotics and some cepacol.
  13. is there a deadline on the group buy?
  14. i'm 31. ok, i'll just stop there. i'm fucking old
  15. wahh, i can't concede blatantly faulty logic so i'm leaving instead of owning up to having a tard moment.
  17. it is good to know that in addition to being against infringements to the 2nd amendment, ruger also has a distaste for left lane campers. ....hyuk hyuk
  18. jbot

    FS: Race tires

    noooooooooooooooo0000000oooooooo0oooooooOOOOOOOOOOOOOO0000ooo anyway, don't hesitate to deal with nick, he's a stand up fella
  19. get a hold of walther_gsp and see if his friendly local gun smith can help you out. maybe he'll give us a good deal if we both send our rifles in, or maybe we can arrange some group buy. i think speedytriple was talking about getting some barrels threaded and i'm sure there are others who want to mall ninja their shit
  20. jbot

    FS: Race tires

    if the michelins are new, i want them plz k thx.
  21. 22/45 lite in black is in my greedy little hands, and SR22 with threaded barrel is almost in my dealer's hands. need just one last piece of the puzzle to get approved by ATF supposedly this month, and then i'll work on the 22 rifle(s) for hosts, and then i'll move onto bigger calibers. going for my 3rd degree black belt in mall ninjutsu. the test is, as always, patience.
  22. never hurts to have a reminder, thanks flounder. my plan was to do a test cut with bar stock I have laying around (recreate barrel ID, indicate, create OD thread), check with my CMM (which will let me know concentricity in microns) and then set barrel, indicate, and run. well... ok, that WAS my plan, but my production is non-stop until october, and while being a patient person, i'm not THAT patient... so I'll either buy one with threads on it or have a gun smith do mine. i think tom's got a friend who does good work, so I'll look into that if i really can't find a mkII with threaded barrel any time soon. stupid jerks, buying up even bolt action 22's.
  23. the worst part of all this is, i have the equipment needed to put a nice thread on the barrel but dont have a break in the machine schedule to do it. so i could just "save" myself the trouble of selling/buying but lose more than i'm "saving" sad face
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