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Everything posted by jbot

  1. media is definitely heavily slanted to demonize gun ownership, based on what they think will get people worked up or supportive (ie, whatever will whip up ratings). so that is no surprise. i'm just mad at our fellow gun owners for letting this happen. this is a time for us to strive to get positive press. maybe it's time to arrange an event where we hold a free, widely accessible gun safety education classes/seminars or something similar. punch and pie and everything. maybe a clown. no on the clown? ok, fine, no clown, but punch and pie stays.
  2. i was just there today. didn't end up staying to play because the wait was like 1hr+ (I knew it was gonna be busy but shiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeet). i like those guys as long as I don't let the conversation last into the part where they reveal that some of them are smarmy know it alls.
  3. i skipped all the stuff in the middle cause it's been said a gazillion times over on just this forum (not to mention every other forum on the internets, which apparently, i'm on every single one) i am disgusted that some gun owners (a very small fraction, but still) can't even do the most basic of safety checks, which is clearing the fucking chamber. what the FUCK is wrong with people? i know we're not perfect, and we all make mistakes, forget stuff, whatever, but the timing couldn't have been worse. if you can't handle self responsibility, then prepare to embrace regulation and legislation.
  4. i'll call it whatever i want, dick fingers
  5. Bye bye p22, I'll miss you.
  6. If you go visit motoseries Todd at the bike show, maybe you can score some prepay discounts! Tell him his favorite Asian pal sent you. Lets see what he does. Letssssss. Seeeeeeeee.
  7. Temporarily on hold while I evaluate a hk usp 40 compact. If I keep the gun, I keep the ammo, which in turn means I keep the pps in 40
  8. I didn't know these products made your body position just awful. Jaaaaaaaaaaaaay kaaaaaaaaaaaaay Can you give me pricing for one? I wanna be just like r1crusher.
  9. i wonder if i do that with a business card, i can write it off as a donation?
  10. jbot

    Who's going?

    magley and swingset, sitting in a tree k-i-s-s-i-n-g-a-n-d-g-r-o-p-i-n-g-a-n-d-t-h-i-r-d-b-a-s-e-a-n-d-6-9
  11. as soon as i sell something from the stable (hopefully, in the next few weeks) I'll ask you for a name/contact if you would still be willing to help me out. i won't ask you for assistance until I know for sure I'm ready to buy. thanks for offering and I'll be in touch soon (hopefully).
  12. if anyone sees a romanian PSL (poor dragunov clone) in good condition, can you tell me what prices are? trying to get an idear for what to unload mine for if i decide to sell it. also, i'm looking for an old style grey HK USP case if you see one for cheap. It looks like this: thaaaaaaaaaaanks
  13. expect me pleading/begging for you to find me a good deal on a 2010-2012 multi for a good price in the coming months.
  14. jbot

    Who's going?

    in their defense, their facebook page is very informative and not so histrionics-ly (at least, the ohio one is, anyway).
  15. jbot

    Wow BMW!

    it's the answer to the question nobody asked except for those ra-tards who designed it. i still like it though cause i am a fan of dumb ass questions and excess. also, the fact that it looks like a bavarian street fighter with the soul of a silver spoon fed nazi is appealing somehow.
  16. jbot

    Who's going?

    they wouldn't shoot at my dog. he's too adorbz
  17. jbot

    Who's going?

    only going if i can bring my dog
  18. i might be selling my p22, actually. you want? i kinda want to get a ruger 22/45 lite instead ever since walther_gsp (who inexplicably only likes glocks... what a doofus) let me fondle his
  19. lol, serial, i'll pick up another couple mags if they still have it, assuming i go down there again. i was actually trying to pick up a box of 9mm makarov from a guy on armslist, and couldnt get a hold of him because i forgot i didn't get his number and we were planning on me calling him when i got down there. it turns out we were both at the meeting place, waiting for each other lololol. i was going to be a jerk and ask him why he didn't just ask the only asian guy there if his name was "Junius"
  20. only if i go down that way again, but i'd probably sell it for mad profits before you got here lololololololololololololollllllllllllll
  21. hook up with imprez and get his ass to drag you there with him. or if r1crusher feels lonely with his daddy, rvtpilot, maybe you guys can car pool
  22. definitely over 9000 seriously, have you seen all that porn he has? his forearms have got to be gigantic. probably big enough to name them... maybe "Curly" and "Stranger"
  23. Do it, I need more people that won't mind me revving the bike engine while trying to burp the cooling system. I'm still trying to get Mikey and Jen to move into my neighborhood.
  24. Just an FYI for people in the NEOhio area, top gun supply in chesterland has pmag 20rd for $20 ea. limit 2 per person and they won't sell over Internet or phone, only in store. That place is probably the nicest, most well laid out gun store I've been in, btw
  25. kevvy poo, i could never be sick of yoo i just... you know... never see you. absence makes the heart grow fonder, though
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