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Everything posted by jbot

  1. is this the "calendar of events kevin will not be attending due to being a gaylord"?
  2. well, that's the weird thing. i had a couple people who were clearly locals in semi-regular cars (older jetta, mid 2000's tacoma, a few others i'm forgetting) and they all pulled over for me, but then mr. fedex guy with giant brass balls in his F250 just came from behind and was clearly going to get right up my ass, so i pulled off immediately and started the chase. that was probably the most aggressively i've driven or ridden on public roads evar. also the most fun i had. and so much fear pee
  3. i would rather ride/drive up/down haleakala than ride road to hana. hana would be very fun in a light, sporty car, but fuck that on the bike, unless there were NO other cars on the road. if you come across a Fedex Ford F250 (you heard me right) on hana, gtfo out of his way. i'm no slouch behind the wheel of a rented forester, but that guy was something else. i had to push it to keep up with him. finally, the screaming from the passenger seat (and the fact that I had promised to slow down on the way back to catch the scenery) made me stop, but that was fun/scary lol
  4. great, our great scheme to steal all the souls, gone with the wind.
  5. shitty, if you're taking requests, i'm on the hunt for a blue-black-white-or maybe silver viper, 2nd gen hp bump (1998-2002), . under 30k (ideally under $25k), for as low miles, latest model year (in that range) possible. convertible (RT/10). as for my "dream" car, an old 911 turbo (with the beauty whale tail spoiler), and ferrari enzo.
  6. probably cause of honda blackbirds and arm flapping or something
  7. jbot

    Obama's plan

    i thought you just bought it?
  8. this isn't paul's gun. i bought this from a dealer in mentor. clearly, mine is superior in every way. i'm not even considering any milling work right now.
  9. tell him i will trade my sv650 and maybe an AR15 lol
  10. ha i won't go into particulars or other parts i've made, but yes, i can make the parts. i do know a mfg sales rep, so i'm going to get in touch with him. he knows several large manufacturers and the forging company that makes the upper, lower, and carrying handle forging blanks. we'll see where it goes.
  11. i really need to hire a manufacturer's rep.
  12. found the drawings. now i just need to find a company that will give me a PO for 1000+ of these, that would be fantastic.
  13. get me some drawings on bolt carriers and whatever's included in the lower parts kits, and if there is enough money in it, i'll interrupt my production on my swiss. prepare your anus.
  14. i had mashed cauliflower. tastes a lot like mashed potatoes. then i melted some string cheese in it and mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
  15. lol this is probably the funniest gun "debate" thread yet
  16. another one of those instances where you ask a tax professional, not some ra-tards like us on a bike forum. i'm sure someone you know, knows someone who is a CPA or works in a office with a CPA. they can tell you or they can ask on your behalf. i would ask my cpa for you, but she has been tracking even basic email responses lately, so noooooooooooooooope.
  17. what if it was a different prayer every day? do they gays have a prayer? wait, is it madonna? nevermind
  18. gonna go with wild ass guess of remington thunder something in a green box.
  19. here are the things i've thought of so far while agonizing over how to enact positive change without too overtly stepping on constitutional and privacy toes First and foremost: education education education. widely available, free to take, easy to access but never mandatory as a requirement to gun ownership or CHL. web, in class sessions, print, whatever. education should range from the basics of gun safety. how to secure the gun, and what signs to look for in people in your household or anyone that visits your home regularly that may have mental illness symptoms that might lead to violence, possibly with your gun(s). 2nd: making NICS available for use for private sales, but not making it mandatory. to do a background check, you would need a randomized set of chunks and pieces of the buyer's info (part of a street name, part of a SSN, part of a birthday, etc). It would be as simple as going to a website, plugging in the info on the buyer that you would need from them. data would automatically be obliterated upon approval or after the set time period for "delay" responses. 3rd: incentives for people to buy a safe of some kind. this one hurts me in the financially conservative jimmies, but it could be tax credits, rebates, whatever. i think this could encourage people to buy and use the safe. 4th: anally gaping senator feinstein. no lube. no formalities. just plain hilt deep anal sinkhole action.
  20. oh yeah, and i thought this was a repost, and it is. http://www.ohioriders.net/showthread.php?t=101572
  21. lol i'm staying way the hell out of this one, have fun.
  22. for the record, it's never hit the tire wall those are crude, cruel lies
  23. I don't have any fantasies about armed revolution, but why would you want to be put at even more of a disadvantage than we already are? Just because the populace is armed, doesn't mean peaceful revolution is not possible... it merely gives the populace options.
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