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Everything posted by jbot

  1. i might be buying another safe as i patiently wait for the inevitable fire sale from the super saturation of AR's and other rifles.
  2. thread, dead. mission accomplished.
  3. hi, welcome to OR. i'm sorry you found us in winter (especially, this winter). just don't log back in until spring, it will seem a lot saner at that time. good luck, godspeed, etc etc
  4. you take his credit card, and slide it slowly down his cold dead butt crack while simultaneously tazing his corpse until it emits a "beeeeeep" there, your transaction is approved.
  5. the cool kids will be at my house, drinking, and trying to break and subsequently unbreak race bikes. we might go to the bike show too. actually, we might go to the after party too, but we're debating this at the moment.
  6. significant others are a-ok. some of you have kids, and they're fine too as long as they are watched after.
  7. quick update question since we put off worrying about it before: we're currently planning on doing this the weekend of the bike show at the IX center. 1. does anyone want to go to the bike show? 2. does anyone want to go to the after party? i ask because both those things will cut into wrenching/hang out time, but i'm also ok with doing both things too if nobody actually cares and really just wants to hang out. personally, i have a couple things I need to do to the bike, but i can do those things any time (ie, probably put it off until 2 days before first race weekend lol) give me your thoughts
  8. stick to engineering. constitutional law is not your strong suit.
  9. i don't always fail to read articles being discussed... but when i do, i'm magley64 per article: "I'm not beating myself up cause I didn't shoot him," said Meli. "I know after he saw me, I think the last shot he fired was the one he used on himself."
  10. the nbc news article doesn't mention the Concealed carry guy at all. did they remove him from the story?
  11. seriously, i'm curious. where is your BA/BS in engineering from? you can't go this far liberal from a normal college education. i recently had to put a puppy down from Yale regarding the use of guns for self protection. i'm just a dumb ass who went to, as one kid put it a long time ago, "stupid-fuck state university" and nobody there brain washed crazy ideas that infringing on something from the bill of rights is a libertarian ideal.
  12. as far as a potential uprising against a tyrannical government, seriously, you keep saying we'd be really outmatched and out gunned and that the founders did not have JSF's, abrams, ICBMs, smart bullets, unicorns in mind when they drafted the 2nd amendment. shouldn't, you, mr. libertarian, just be outraged that things got so uneven? to abide by the 2nd amendment, there SHOULD be a wholly non-government owned (but funded, since it IS the peoples tax dollars) militia that is equally matched to serve as a check against the over reaching federal government? you even suggested it earlier. i think it's a fantastic idear.
  13. again, so eager to jump from conclusion to conclusion remember that i never made a comment about whether an AWB would help in situations like what happened in Connecticut. Only as a response to you saying that if we were to be attacked by a foreign or domestic military, we, the people, would be woefully lacking in fire power. i responded to your point by saying, that a AWB would be counter productive, considering that we are so under equipped as it is. in short, i actually made that reply as a tongue in cheek, cheeky response like i am want to do, and you went full retard in response. on what you're asking: the reason i didn't make a vast, over reaching statement at the onset is because i'm not a playing pompous, know it all, over reacting, nut bar who thinks he knows everything. as it pertains to the most recent tragedy, the proposed and previous "assault weapons (lol)" ban would probably have failed to prevent the shooter from obtaining the guns he used because he just used/had (at the scene) guns that would have been legal to own (hand guns) or rifles that were already owned and would have been grand fathered by prior and current AWBs. every time a AWB is even hinted at, the massholes go out and buy a shit ton of guns. it's kind of counter productive in that way (i'm not saying that that is ALL it is). as those who do not abide by the law always do, he got access to the guns he used by illegal means. believe it or not, the currently existing laws PREVENTED him from buying a gun via legal channels. an AWB primarily affects law abiding citizens (for obvious reasons). law abiding citizens, statistically, do not commit mass media feeding frenzy murder-sprees... the mentally ill/depraved/handicapped do. current procedures do an ok job of filtering out those with felonies and have a review process for other "less serious" criminal history (although, those fail sometimes, and are generally too broad, in my opinion... i also think they do not focus enough on violence/intent to physically harm versus just classifying things b ). they do not have a very good way to filter out mental illness because not everyone gets treated and documented... they just go on and on until they snap and do awful things. i have no answer for that particular gaping hole in the system without seriously breaching personal privacy and other issues that I find just as important as having access to equipment for self defense. generally, if i had to take a stab at it: education that was more readily available, and very much encouraged for any new and current gun owner (kind of like the MSF). i wouldn't go as far as saying require it by law, but i think it would help. advertising campaign targeted towards gun owners to be more aware of central causes of how perpetrators of shootings get access to guns, and how they can take precautions against likely occurrences. again, ad campaign should be thoroughly linked to education resources that are readily available. here's where we get "us vs them" and start infringing on personal privacy, but again, wild ass guessing/reaching for possible solutions. a flagging system for mental health professionals that is accessed when the NICS check is conducted. this is distasteful to me because i abhor the patriot act, but i dunno... it's a real problem. perhaps they can "opt out" of it when they go in for psychological/psychiatric treatment (depending on what they are diagnosed with) but while the specifics of what diagnosis wont be filed but they agree to be automatically excluded from being able to purchase fire arms. all these ideas are flawed, but i still think it's better than infringing on 2A while not horribly infringing on personal property and privacy.
  14. that is because you are a simpleton when it comes to debates like this. don't let your tard rage get the best of you. it just makes you easy pickings.
  15. where did you get "arm everyone" in what i said? there are a gazillion guns privately owned in the US. everyone has not killed each other over insignificant issues. a very very small number of people have killed people over insignificant issues, i guess. i dunno where you get your ideas of what my positions are, but my words that you quoted said we should not further widen the gap that you yourself acknowledged as existing. where are these armed guns? i wanna see it. is it like this, but with arms instead of sexy legs? and 3 year olds? your partial retard is showing
  16. so you acknowledge that the every day normal person would already be woefully out classed in fire power. why would we want to further widen that gap?
  17. Well I was planning on going but it's soooooo far away from where I'm gonna be leaving out of.
  18. oh my god, approximately 20 kids are dead. jesus fucking christ. my almost 1 yr old niece is going to get spoiled for her 1st birthday tomorrow. god i can't believe this.
  19. why is it such a pain in the ass to get 18x22x1 furnace filters locally?
  20. jbot

    random advice

    give them a gift card to Melt Bar and Grilled (I think there is one in cbus now). but only a $5 gift card so they still have to pay to get fatter. I love Melt.
  21. happy birthday, R1worststalkerever
  22. jbot

    random advice

    They're probably fed up with you not knowing they're Jewish. So inconsiderate.
  23. jbot

    PC gamers?

    i only play really old games that go on clearance from steam or amazon
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