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Everything posted by jbot

  1. Only silicone is required for oil drain and oil fill cap, but wiring is recommended
  2. this thread is like this part of that episode:
  3. bamp for great justice. current inventory of take offs are updated at the top. latest addition is a 180 dunlop Q2 rear.
  4. he's being nice and trying to not step on people's toes by encroaching on their business on this forum, but I told him that not a lot of the small time "tire change for $XX" and etc guys are sponsors so he shouldn't worry. I personally don't see anything wrong with it as long as he's not spamming the board with ads of his services. that's all assuming he even wants to do it at all for anyone other than friends and follow local ohio riders. sorry for thread jack yet again
  5. not that your generous offer extends to everyone, but how much do you charge for tire changes in general (assuming you do it as a service at all)? I have a friend with a WR250X (spoked 17" wheels, 120 front/ 160 rear I think) that needs his tires changed in north royalton. i've been trying to find someone to send him instead of a dealer. He would probably bring the wheels and tires to you. I'd send him to ducrx, but ravenna is far away from north royalton for just a tire swap and he's too busy to even go riding anymore, so I'm going to not refer business to him anymore til he actually relaxes for a change.
  6. i think i tried to sign up on CR once, and i was denied lol it might've had something to do with me putting in a fast and furious quote in the reason for wanting to join CR or something like that. but i really believe that for those 16 seconds or less, I'm free.
  7. they'll make some pretty fuck-able babies.
  8. we just have to sign up for races by this coming saturday night, right?
  9. this is a good idea, and I'd be interested if i wasnt going to grattan with STT that weekend. as an alternative, you could always do one of the monday track day events with motoseries... it is not very well attended just yet since they very recently started doing it, and you basically get clear track allllll day. and i can't speak for him, but if there were enough people wanting to do intermediate/advanced, maybe something could be worked out with todd to allow a more open track setup like you're wanting. just an idear.
  10. just copy paste a puppy into a pic of that scene from american history X
  11. it's this or a ride into SE Ohio. i'm giving preference to the SEO ride, so I'm out unless that goes to shambles. in fact, i might not make it to the SEO ride cause i often wake up late lol have fun either way!
  12. it's a shorter and tighter track and add to that, you have no seat time there... so on sunday, be prepared to be passed with higher frequency than at nelson. also, try not to get spooked with what I would describe as "tight" but hopefully clean passes since the track. we'll try to give you a tow on sunday if we can. I think you'll have fun. It's not super technical, so it's not quite as challenging as say... mid ohio or grattan or something like that, but be loose and be ready to move around on your bike in the esses, and you'll have a blast. can't wait to see you guys again! maybe i'll have my bike do a money shot again, for great entertainment justice.
  13. it is FI. nothing new or different since you had it running well last time?
  14. i will see if i can make this. i wonder if i should trailer my scooter down there to show all you bitches up.
  15. aww maaaaan that was the only trophy i had for a while.
  16. jbot

    father's day

    i decided to get him an iPad cause i waited too long to snag a good deal on a nice Mont Blanc fountain pen. whatever, that fucker probably can't even write. lol jk I'd take him out to this or that event for a heart warming father-son moment, but we're both too busy for that sort of fluffy crap. in fact, it makes us want to curb stomp puppies together, so i guess we can share that magical father-son moment instead. thanks for the suggestions. lol also jk i don't know why i get him (or my mom... i recently bought her a iphone) shit like this. it's just going to be a nightmare teaching him how to use it. even worse yet, i'm going to have to convert the iblOS so it shows up in korean just so they can ask me incoherent questions in terribly painful engrish. actually, maybe me screaming at them that "It's a fucking mac, it just fucking works derp lol" will be the loving family moment only dreamed about by hallmark movie writers. that last part is not jk. i WILL very likely end up killing them both in a fit of frustration as they ask, YET AGAIN, how to open another browser window in safari. all kidding aside, i hope you all have a good father's day this weekend. every year that goes by, i understand more and more that my time with my parents is limited, and I need to make the best of it. it's not about the money spent or the dumb cards we get them that they can't read (american greetings doesn't sell korean language father's day cards in local stores), but if that dumb POS over priced mac will put a smile on his face because he heard they were kewl from whatever unreliable source, then it is reason enough. plus it'll piss off my siblings cause I totally one upped them once again. fuck those guys.
  17. loooooove midohio. wish i could go there more often.
  18. jbot

    father's day

    the primary purpose of this thread is for a PSA: June 19th is Father's Day. Better make sure you get something for your old man. the secondary reason for this thread (ie, ulterior motive): what are you getting your dad for Father's Day? My family has foolishly entrusted me with the task of getting him something for Father's Day. Usually, we get him a gift card to Golf Galaxy... but 3 (or 4) full sets of clubs, drivers, etc later after many years of amassing gift cards, I'm pretty sure there is nothing in that store he hasn't bought 2-3 times over. The present budget this year is $400 max. They really want to spend less than $350, but I'll just shell out the extra whatever if necessary. I've been going back and forth between the following: Mont Blanc fountain pen (I'm pretty sure I can pull off a grey market 149) iPad (whatever the cheapest one is, if I could find one) iPhone (his plan is up, and iphone5 was not mentioned at ghey fest 2011) Some beat up POS scooter I can buy for $400 since he thought my scooter was uber boss Some semi-fancy watch that will tide him over til we get him something really nice. Maybe a grey market Tag Heuer. Fancy ass radar detector ...another gift card to golf galaxy give me some idears, or just share what you're getting your dad.
  19. hey now, i haven't bought a bike in a whole... 5 months... ...i have a problem
  20. tony is a fuckin baller at buying and selling bikes.
  21. make her take care of a garden, eventually, a farm. That'll keep her busy.
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