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Everything posted by jbot

  1. in case i can make it, where would you leave from? maybe i can meet you. otherwise, i'll try to get to you at wilson mills/river road. is "river rd" also 174?
  2. i thought i was going, but i think i might be changing my mind. i kinda wanna play tennis.
  3. jbot

    Aprilia RS4

    link 404'd hurry, fix the link so i can come
  4. i might be in for this. i'll see how busy i am. duane, what time are you planning on leaving your neck of the woods? what roads are you taking? maybe i can meet you on your route.
  5. jbot


    if you're not military or for some reason dont want to go through those site, there are a few sites that often clears out oakley stuff so you don't have to wear some cheap POS that will break if you look at it wrong. here are the sites I use: 6pm.com campmor.com oakleyvault.com and of course, there is ebay. the only problem with ebay is, you have to learn to use the filters to sift through the crap. hell, you'll probably be able to find some knock offs there too. good luck in any case!
  6. yup! i think there might be a gate fee though.
  7. enema parties are illegal 16 states.
  8. you're not going to make me recreate the thread from memory are you? post the pics without any context whatsoever, or I'll repost your original post and then get super haxx0r ringo on the job of finding pics of this stripper baby thief or whatever she was supposed to be. ...i'm just kidding, i wouldn't do anything like that. but i still recommend you post pics anyway. haha
  9. pics or i'm going to hold Ronaldo's puppy as i curb stomp its head.
  10. did i mention i was going to beaver instead? and that blue034523462904 likes dudes? don't be sour cause i bought your wife. i thought you were happy, you even announced it in another thread. lol jaay kaaay also, nelson is good cheap fun. i would be there if it wasn't for the schedule conflict. anyone who goes, have fun! i highly advise passing craig if he's coaching your group. i hear he will think better of your mad riding skills. but for serial, don't do that.
  11. i would go, but beaver is like 8 billion times better. also cause blue032636892149 likes dudes. lololol
  12. if you're not even willing to pay any money for the poor, under exercised ladder, how will i know you're willing to put in the time and have the resources to give the ladder a good, fulfilling life? Even I, who at the age of 19, have amassed a fortune through my internationally renowned business empire, my own palace that my parents didn't buy me so i could live there during college (which, also, they're totally not paying for) and that the bank doesn't own, and other cool stories bro cannot give the ladder a good life. it wouldn't be fair for the ladder. besides i already have offers from someone who is totally fucking real for the ladder. he who must not be named doesn't want to get involved, but he has a high roof line, a huge garage to store it in and lots of shit that needs doin with a ladder... his net worth is over 16.4$ million, which is just about the amount required to really do the ladder justice.
  13. look man, you need to cool your jets. this ladder was going into the clearance aisle the next day if i hadn't saved it from home depot. I also have a tool rack accessory and a truck mount I bought for it. that stuff ain't cheap, and I can't just give it away.
  14. jbot

    memorial day

    i'll be cabin-ing it up in hocking hills, but I'm taking my scooter with me. so if you see a squid gheying up hocking hills with a blue yamahahaha vino making vrrooooommmm noises, wave hi.
  15. i have a ladder I can't take care of anymore, and it needs a better home... but unless you're willing to give me a few bucks to PROVE you can give it a better home, then I can't, in good conscience, let you borrow this purebread ladder. I'm sorry.
  16. water grenade filled with diseased semen is the only proper form of great justice.
  17. itt: so much hurtfulness We did get some scary weather up here by the lake, but not too bad where I was at.
  18. just how big and tender is this puppy of yours? I would be willing to give you $4.99/lb for her. If this is agreeable, I will give you the address of my favorite butcher for delivery. I won't be needing the "accessories" you got for her. You can sell that stuff on craigslist. mods can close this thread, I'll paypal him the money after he sends me a weight and paypal address.
  19. i'll be waiting til as late as I can without it selling out on me.
  20. hmm, not sure what's going on this weekend. i'll try to make it though.
  21. your bike is indeed, very ninja. thanks for the kind words! i'm trying to not ride it like a sissy, but it's hard to look kewl when i'm always in a state of half tipping over and half jumping on my tippy toes to keep it upright.
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