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Everything posted by jbot

  1. OP for supreme court judge
  2. i WILL cuss you out in british engrish. don't you fuck with me.
  3. the new-er batman bike seems to be a ill handling pile of ass.
  4. i would tell you to take it to pauly but he is too hard working for his own good, so I have stopped recommending him to people until he goes and relaxes a little. his face looks like beets ALL the time now, as opposed to when he was just dancing with liberals.
  5. where in mentor are you? if you see a squid on a blue yamahahahaha vino, ktm 690 smc, or god knows what else in and around mentor, be sure to flick him off.
  6. some textiles have been known to melt into skin during high speed slides (due to high temperature from friction).
  7. i dont think it counts for setting up boobie traps. if it does allow for traps, i'll station a RuPaul underneath every window in my house and cars. my only regret is that I can't effectively hide one in my bikes.
  8. sadly, if you do a thing like that now-a-days, you will get sued to bankruptcy.
  9. i generally expect to pay around $50 for very minor stuff and $100 for a good sized patch (like, 6"x6" plus) and up from there if there are multiple areas that need repair. then you add in another $50 for shipping there and back. if you can find a local place (and let us all know your experiences like some have) and they are crash tested, even better. I did call up LA alterations once, and I think they told me they send suits out to some other place in PA or something like that.
  10. first you call me a retard, then a "whinging" (speak american!) crybaby, then you top it off by making fun of my wanker... the hurtful offensiveness is too overwhelming for me to take. i'll probably have to binge on fish and crisps for days to recover.
  11. unless your bike is not running "well" (lean/rich), whether it is due to bike needing tune, or mods that pushed it out of tune... i tend to think they are not a good value (gains/$ spent). i recommend getting a dyno pull or two done to check whether your bike is running rich/lean and decide if it needs to be brought back in line. PC is typically way cheaper though.
  12. bambam, if you feel like understanding the situation a bit better before you make a snap judgment, feel free to peruse his past threads and the mess made of them. if you already know the "history" or if you still feel the same way after looking at it from a "informed" perspective, well, there's nothing I can do about that. so sorry for offending your sensibilities.
  13. i'm sure if you setup a "stunt meet" at some parking lot where you had the owner's permission to use the space, you would get responses. good luck with your thread ringo... if you don't fuck it up by going full retard, i'm sure it won't be that bad.
  14. how old is this trailer? i don't even have a reasonable tow vehicle yet, but i'm starting the search.
  15. craig, i guess you'll have to bring burgers now, since we'll be short supplied. lololol
  16. jbot

    Hey Douche...

    life is a lot easier if you don't take things so serious-like. I didn't think I was even being too much of an asshole. i was just amazed i missed it. also, it's not ridiculous to expect a little bit of ribbing if you ask such a blatant poser question like "i want mad aggressive tread pattern, bros... what do?" same goes for bad-azz neon/LED lights, and spikey bar ends, or chrome everything, or "what's with the gear nazis", etc etc etc.... it's a personal style thing, it's your money and your bike, and that's just fine. but you ask for opinions on a forum full of potential strange assholes, you get strange asshole opinions. if YOU don't like that, don't post while looking up at us expectantly with your puppy eyes, putting your jaws around the curb and hoping for nothing but unicorns and good feelings... you're just gonna get your feelings curb stomped like just another innocent puppy on the internet. now go get some pilot powers or Q2's for less than $200/set, and good job on not running that harley guy over. see? we DID manage to stop with a happy ending.
  17. jbot

    Hey Douche...

    i cannot believe i missed that thread. that's it, i'm gonna give up riding/racing during the summer so I can post asshole remarks on derp threads.
  18. heyyyy.... what's that supposed to mean?
  19. if he's ok with dogs once they meet, then i don't see why we can't pit in a group (though, that doesn't sound like he is "bad" with other dogs then). it sounded like he would try to eat gatsby alive before i had a chance to, and that would not be acceptable. imprez, i know you mean well, but if you're riding novice that day, your classroom session is run during advanced sessions, so you wouldn't be able to watch the dog for him. people who are running open/intermediate would be able to, however. chris, i think we will have someone in our group that is running open group that likes dogs. she might be willing to help keep an eye on your pup. as long as you think the dog you are taking care of won't try to kill or eat gatsby, i don't think there will be a problem. we'll just let them meet and greet and go from there.
  20. i tie up my dog while i'm gone. that said, we should not pit near each other if your dog is not good with other dogs since I will have Gatsby with me (and he is a giant pansy of a dog, like his owner)
  21. thanks for sending the invite! i got it, but it didn't let me use it at first. then i got like 5 follow up invites from other people and one of those worked, so i'm on. thanks!
  22. jbot

    Baby Ben

    congrats on the baby!
  23. i only wear sandals and flip flops
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