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Everything posted by jbot

  1. if you luuuuuurve metal injection molded parts, then yes, kimber is teh bestest evar
  2. mushroom stamp it. it is almost as good as notary stamps. and more kid friendly.
  3. jbot

    What do I do.

    don't do it, samson
  4. motoseries makes me hard. crash hard too lol
  5. freeze her in a cryogenic chamber for 11 months. no bathroom breaks, brah. i would contact another, more vicious attorney that handles malpractice and get a consult.
  6. this is how it REALLY happened, and don't you foggits forget it
  7. i put my rain front in the car. i don't ride hard enough to "need" the rain rear (or the front, in all honesty). also, too cheap. lolololol
  8. jbot

    I'm pathetic

    lube can make every night an "HBO" night, son. and my broken in realdoll
  9. Q2s are fine in the rain. Joe, weren't you supposed to be "there" for the last 2 weekends?
  10. Thinking about it. Will watch weather
  11. Time to dump money into the market for the inevitable morning jump
  12. ruff ryders don't know.... bout mah diabeetus
  13. guy on the left has a really nice hair piece?
  14. dont you talk to your baby daddy that way
  15. i see people on mall ninja forums weave in little steel/titanium/aluminum/any "mall ninja approved" material trinkets and things into the ends of those. for example, steel/titanium skulls, or even tritium capsules, maybe even a 9mm/.40/.45 cartidge (dormant lol). get crazy, and post them up on gun/knife forums... you wouldn't believe how fast the guys snap them up.
  16. i continue to enjoy the "post just about whatever the fuck you want" policy on Ohio Riders. i hope it continues that tradition. if that means people get to shit on my FS thread, so be it.
  17. i gave blood when i was giving my semen this week. is that normal?
  18. i'll be mr. pessimistic here and say: save up a couple hundred bucks, sell your trailer for a couple hundred bucks, and you should be able to pick up a used enclosed trailer (5x8 should be light enough to tow with even a car or small SUV) for well under a grand. hell, less than that if you wait for the right deal. add up the materials you have to plunk down money for, your time, and the extreme likelihood of your mad creation blowing away into a million pieces on the highway in the slightest crosswind. you're a lawyer, think of all the fun you'll have responding to law suits from blood thirsty ambulance chasers regarding your rickshaw that self destructed and peppered itself all over the road and into their client's mercedes. i say save up for a few months, and pick up a small enclosed trailer over the winter when the right deal comes along.
  19. jbot


    close your eyes, and picture this: ....whirlwind tentacle premium model
  20. 1. extremely baller and mall ninja'd 1911 2. "" "" long distance rifle 3. "" "" submachine gun (with semi, auto, and 3 round selectable)
  21. jbot


    you should buy my psl that i bought thinking i'd play with all the time and then never shot ever. i also have an AR that i had built and never fired (not selling that though lol). also, realdoll, never used... i promise
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