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Everything posted by jbot

  1. i had a good time hanging out with you guys too! sorry i couldnt make it to dinner... i would've felt really bad if my friend's shiny newish bike got stolen right off the trailer cause i was too lazy to put the bike somewhere "safe". i ended up getting qdoba and then i watched movies with a big greek dude with an affinity for homoerotic jokes on his giant ass notebook computer. thankfully, the movie was about natalie portman lezzin' out with mila kunis and some fruity dancing in between. mila kunis would be WAY hotter if i could stop thinking "Shut up, Meg" every time she opened her purty mouth. word of advice: if you are fussy sleeper, don't try to sleep on the fold down back seat of a Chevy Silverado 1500. I usually sleep like a fucking rock everywhere/anywhere for no reason at all, but for some reason, when I got there friday night, I just had a really hard time getting to sleep in the truck. The backseat is very firm, yet, lumpy (lol). actually, probably nobody needs this advice since it is an obviously bad idear, but fuck it. that's the price you pay for being a cheap bastard.
  2. can i have pics of set 1? i will pm you email info to send pics to. thanks!
  3. jbot

    May 8th ride

    did i mention i was not going to be able to make this ride? have fun guys! i didn't know that about your mom mikey. hope you have a good day that weekend despite the sad memories.
  4. jbot

    May 8th ride

    fairly certain i have familial obligations that weekend. sorry guys!
  5. redkow will only require your heart felt thanks and your virginity. and before you ask, i think you know which one i mean.
  6. there is always the "bucket full of AIDS semen and needles above the bike" trap. just don't forget to disable it.
  7. we can do it during the race school mock start session. so just how bad is practicing starts on the clutch? i always wondered cause i see people practicing it over and over again, and I just figured it was hard on the clutch so I didn't bother.
  8. now i know what to wire that claymore mine to.
  9. knock on the door from Secret Service in 3.... 2..... 1.....
  10. replace kasich's name with obama and suddenly, you're a democrat. vice versa if you're an obama deep throating libtard. all of which leads to, politics is ftl
  11. i wonder if my bike's gearing is tall? i don't think i've yet to hit 6th gear unless i lost track of what gear i was in (then i'll hit 6th and count down lol).
  12. Yeah, I could have sworn I was dragging my leathers on the ground, it was that smooth. Craziness. Oh, and it was very easy on tires too! the Q2s I had on (it had a couple days on it already) hardly had wear on it even after sunday. Though, that probably only confirms I was riding like a little wuss.
  13. just wanted to post my quick report since i'm home and had a bit of time to relax. day 1: cloudy, windy, chilly morning. Since this was supposedly my first "non-monsoon" track day of the year, I played in intermediate for 3 sessions. I rode like a giant pansy for a good part of the first session since I wasn't sure how grattan's repave would behave in the cold. also, there was a stream crossing the track at T6-T7 (I think?), which, i'm told was very iffy. I, riding like a biatch through there, didn't notice. As the day went on, the temps rose, and even had glorious moments with sun. Mojocho was also out there, looking good in I group. Once the rust was gone, I was having some fun, and I bumped to A group after lunch. I had no idea taylor knapp was there. also, I have no idea what he looks like or what bike he rides... i would've imagined it would have taylor knapp all over it? Anyway, I didn't see him. I had a great time on day one, and I believe I surpassed my pace from last year near the end of the day... My timer was working intermittently so I'm not sure. Day 2: I was originally just going to do saturday, then pick up a bike in grand rapids (for my friend, not for me... i can't fit anymore in the house/garage) then take off... but the weather forecast kept improving, so I decided to stay the night and decide in the morning... well, it was ALL clouds, and the weather forecast went to hell over night, and I was just about ready to leave without signing up when the forecast went from 60% rain to 66 degrees and partly cloudy. Hallelujah, I stayed, and just before the first session started, the sun was out in full force. The rest of the day was amazing and grattan in CCW is also a blast. I even managed to do my first accidental wheelie on the hump. I don't see why everyone loves doing wheelies, it was just scary and doesn't make you go any faster. lol all in all, it just reaffirmed my deep seated love of grattan. the repave is fantastic.... I think the surface is better than midohio now to be honest.
  14. if you're sure you're gonna do a bunch of track days, or are just inclined to do it, by all means, wire up the bike. it is not required for novice though. i have heard and seen people ride up to the track, do the day, and ride back home. nelson isn't particularly far for you (i'm not sure what part of cleveland you live in, but it's not far in general), but like apc said, it would be a bitch if you had a mishap. you'll also be dog tired after a full day. if you post up what area of cleveland you're in, i can ask around amongst the motoseries group and see if any out your way have a spot open in their trailer. they're a very friendly bunch and will go to great lengths to help out a fellow rider (this could be said about just about all track day orgs and riders in general, actually).
  15. Great pics. you should do some photog work for mongolian bbq cause their pics of the menu are a lot more sloppy than the buffet pics you just took. jaaaaaay kaaaay Awesome pups you got there! I want another one but I have too much of my tiny black heart invested into my one pup as it is... I don't think it will stretch enough to fit another.
  16. for street, get pilot road 2. You'd have to try rrreaally hard to out ride those.
  17. Grattan was still eleventy bazillion times bettar, you traitor! Haha jk glad you got to relax for once
  18. So what youre saying is, you have a frequent fuckers card at your local whore house. also, mad game
  19. i'll see about staying for a bit to hang out. Im racing sunday assuming the weather is ok
  20. I forgot to add blue in the description, but basically, if you get the urge to throw up when you see a blue abomination roll by, its me
  21. Soooo... Is anyone here? I just got my bike and etc unpacked. im up the hill, just past the tech shed in the black chevy with the ratty ass trailer and just the most awful 600rr you've ever seen. Anyway, see yall tomorrow morning
  22. male iphone users have more sex... with dudes.
  23. my one (and I mean, one. really, he's not even "1" he's more half) black friend told me I could call him "Spookie" and that it would be ok, particularly on Halloween and February.
  24. don't make me turn this thread NSFW
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