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Everything posted by jbot

  1. ok, i'm signed up for the friday open track day as well. they don't require a full belly pan for anything except if you're racing. see ya'll there.
  2. i'll try to get some before and after pics. it's a big bitch though lol. the last time this happened, i talked to a few people and I knew I wasn't liable legally for neither the fence or the tree debris on their side, but wanted to take care of it because it was my tree. it's the same case this time, but this time the electric co is thrown in with it due to their part in damaging the fence. I'm not sure where to go with this one.
  3. jbot

    BBQ list

  4. just pray that god gets done with his urinating before saturday.
  5. does anyone know if they require a belly pan for the open track day on friday?
  6. i was going to go with clam chowder, but i guess soy sauce could work. maybe i'll let it sit out in the sun for a bit first to get it to the right consistency.
  7. no, but if he was my son, i would buy him a nintendo.
  8. well, update: the fence that was sort of bent at the top before, is now utterly destroyed, thanks to the tree cutters that the power company sent. the fence WAS salvageable before they decided to do their thing, but when they tried to take the chainsaw to this huge chunk of tree, the whole thing came down on the fence and it is now one with the lawn. awesome. i was watching them cut the tree when it happened. as soon as it happened, they hastily chopped away at the tree bits on the fence and packed up and left. i wish i would've recorded them as it happened, but the thing came down just as I was thinking "maybe I should record this... they guy looks very worried as he's cutting". i'm going to talk to them and see what they do. i'm guessing i'm going to get fucked sideways by the neighbor and the power company will do nothing.
  9. Howdy, Once again, mother fucking nature has deemed it high time for yet another tree of mine to be knocked into my neighbor's lawn. and fence. I need someone to remove the big POS tree remains and also to repair the fence. Not sure if anyone knows anyone, but any referrals would be appreciated. Or, if you do this sort of thing, that would also be good. That said, this same thing happened last year to the same poor neighbors who were very understanding, but the fence guy I hired last time fucked it up, so I'm trying to find someone who will do it right. So, anyone who knows a good person or company that services the Mentor area, please post up. I'm just going to cut all the fucking trees down. Last year, I removed 4 suspect trees, but apparently, I missed one. god dammit.
  10. this man is a master negotiator.
  11. doing midoh on that saturday, and doing putnam on sunday. see you guys there! riding novice cause i've never been to putnam and cause he skeered me into doing it. he said he'd kick my yellow ass if I signed up for intermediate. I thought that was strangge. actually, he didn't say any of those things, but I'd rather play it safe.
  12. oh god, who let HER in here? jaaaaaay kaaaaaaay hi tea oh, and gingerman was pretty awesome-0. my sunday was a relaxed yet face meltingly awesome day of learning the track, then learning how to pass at the new track, and then picking up speed after I managed to find some real estate in the very packed intermediate group. the seams can be ignored from what I could tell, unless you're running the exact same path they go, ON the seam, which only happened when I took a shitty line coming out of turn 1. It upset the rear just a little, but the tire caught shortly after that, dirty underwear averted. got to hang out with rslo, trmin8r, blue. Rob, thanks for driving. you're a damn champ. i could barely keep my eyes open after my first track day so I was very impressed you didn't kill us on the long drive home. also got to chat it up with skrewloose, rvt, r1lover, and a couple other guys. I didn't see too many other OR guys, although I think Harb, APC, and redkow stopped by. Very nice to meet/see you all. When's the next one?
  13. sorry i missed it, gingerman was too tempting to skip. one of these days, i'll make this ride.
  14. that is true. i'll take anything i can get. looking forward to seeing so many OR people at a track day. I think I've been to a few days where there were a few around, but i just never got around to saying hi. maybe since this is an official "OR" track day, it'll be a bit easier.

    are you riding the RC51? I'll be on a beat up yellow 600rr.

  15. i just want to know, if during a budget crisis like the one in california, do the legislators freeze their paychecks so they're not contributing to the problem?
  16. oh, and can't wait for sunday! never been to gingerman, so this is very exciting.

  17. everytime r1crusher says something good about me, god beats a baby seal to death with canadians.

  18. whoa whoa whoa what did you guys think i was saying earlier? i said we have a square jerk going, as in jerk bbq with a whole lot of meat on a square grill. the fuck were YOU guys thinking about? gawd. ...we're just gonna rub and jerk our meat all over rsloCUM's grill. vigorously. wat
  19. the man just wants to sturb in peace. LEAVE HARB ALONE!
  20. there are few people who hate the so called "conservative" republican party as much as actual conservatives.
  21. the chinese will not be pleased.
  22. you don't so much pick it up.... it's more like "given" to you. more accurately, "forcibly inserted" in you.
  23. this is worth at least 1 nerd baller badge
  24. lol god. i barely remember what i even said. i'm sure it was something regrettably racist. let's just go ahead and keep that between us. at least until i get drunk again.
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