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Everything posted by jbot

  1. if you're going to be in such dire straits, consider cancelling xbox live. you're going to sell all your games anyway. i don't know how much it is, but it's probably too much. get rid of all unnecessary bills and expenses, and just work as much as possible. while you're working, constantly search for better jobs with better pay. also, while you work, do everything you can to move up within whatever company you're at. a company like Chase, it's hard to move up quickly, but if you set yourself apart from your brain dead cubicle zombie peers, you WILL move up... just plan for some inner office political bullshit on occasion. consider getting a second job, unless you are going to school. if you are going to school, finish out the quarter/semester, and consider going part time afterwards. it sounds like you know what to do otherwise... just think and plan carefully, and don't act too unless time is short.
  2. sounds like you guys had fun! i want to get to putnam one of these days... might have to since i'm not going to midohio anymore (won't get to play with the good people of STT if I did... also, no trailer lolz) hope everyone is ok that crashed... there were a few crashes at grattan over the weekend as well, but only a couple people were bad off enough to not be able to finish their day.
  3. i had a great time, and the weather was great. grattan is tough, but fun.
  4. nooooooooo!!!!! what if it's a wee little 600rr? lol. i forgot you came up on a piggy back thing, not a trailer. damn!
  5. it's only $40 trillion. what's the big deal, guy?
  6. jbot


    walker told me hinds gave me aids.
  7. that's dedication to the craft. the craft of eating shit to escape great justice
  8. i think it would be a fantastic idea for you to tow the two of us to the meeting point next weekend. lol
  9. just find the largest for sale price tag for a similar car to yours, and they'll pay up that amount for the total. if your car is easily repaired (track toy, perhaps?) buy it back for almost nothing.
  10. how did you manage to snap a pic of him with your cell phone? that's mad skillz
  11. i'd be there with ya, but i'll be at grattan on sat and sun and the air show on monday (I've never been) hit 255 and 148 if you can. 255 is nice, but be careful, and 148 is now clear of gravel, and it's mostly fast sweepers, which is good for the ego. the bulk of your route sounds mighty tasty... just don't forget the good stuff in between.
  12. whenever I feel like getting fcuked, i just turn on all the engines in my garage with the door closed and the adventure is trying to wake up to open the door before i completely lose it. i've won, but i still lost.
  13. baller. I had to do a right click on the red X and copy image url, and look at it in a different window. SXV's are sexay
  14. Happy birthday! here is your present: and rep cake for everyone who posted so far! hurray!
  15. falun gong that fluffy bundle of love
  16. that's a lot to read. just tell me, is it ok to do my cousin or wut
  17. throw aids needles all over where the meter is. schedule time for meter reading at their convenience. hilarity ensues.
  18. i was waiting for the part where the whore ann arbor gets lost in hocking hills and brutus plays the banjo and piitb
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