hey sorry big guy! i pretty much left for montreal right after midohio, and didn't get a chance to get on here til today. as i told you and mr. lizard at midohio, i was very sorry for what happened on tuesday and i wasn't quite thinking at the moment. i should've just stayed away from the bike and talked to a corner worker. in any case, it won't happen again (hopefully cause i won't go down again, but whatever happens, i have learned from my mistake and won't be repeating the error of hopping back on the bike). back story: More skilled people than myself can make an inside pass into turn 1, but i was not one of those people so i went wide and lowsided into the grass. i mowed the lawn a bit, but the bike was fine. thankfully, that's all the happened because i later become a moving roadblock for rusty (and probably others) as I stupidly ran back onto the track with my bike. this is a simple thing and i should've known better, but kids, don't lay your bike down, and then pick it back up and ride it back onto the track. especially if the track is hot. just get away from the bike and let the corner workers deal with it. sorry for being a damn nub. i'll make sure not to do it again.