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Posts posted by jbot

  1. let's meet up there at noon, eat lunch, and head out to ride til it gets cold which shouldnt happen til it starts to get dark. I know some of us live out an hour away from there, so that should be plenty of time to get up, get ready, get dressed and ride out there.

    i have to split off by 4pm so i can ride back to mentor and drive back to the airport by 6. lol.

    i guess this is the plan i'm sticking with, so if you early risers are ready to go now, please don't let me stop you. i'm a lazy piece of shit, so i like to do things leisurely like.

    oh, and if any of the 3 people or so are familiar with those roads, please keep a route or something like that in mind. i'm a terrible ride leader, and i'll just get us hopelessly lost. hopefully another guy from these boards will join us to be our captain for the day.

  2. im in akron and will go south if i dont have anybody to ride with.

    oh, if you're already down that far, you shouldn't even be on here. i'd be riding down past canton (556, 536, 148, parts of 800, etc) if at all possible, but it's too far of a ride to get there right now.

    believe me, the roads i'm talking about don't hold a candle to what you have near you. i'd advise you to just hit up those roads. I heard 536 is in crap shape, but 556 is supposed to be fine.

  3. from 1 to 4 PM will be at it's warmest (in the 50's)

    why don't we meet by noon?

    ideally, Skrewloose will join us after he gets his business done tomorrow so he can lead us through the roads. i wish i had a GPS so i could just map out roads that look good.

    anyways, we can wander around the parks area.

  4. understood.

    i'll keep monitoring this thread. if people change their minds, post up. i'll post if/when i leave for that area... there are some sections of the roads in that area that is worth hitting up again, if only for a couple hours. i rode from north royalton to mentor at 11pm... yeah, that was good times. lol

  5. based on my ride today, the temps didn't hit 40's til about 12:30 - 1pm

    that said, the roads were pretty good, and i didn't have any issues with traction at a sane but spirited pace. and really, the roads we're planning on riding (if we ride at all) are not exactly challenging.

    if you guys are still up for it, we can meet up at 1pm and ride as soon as everyone gets there.

    all that remains is who still wants to ride?

  6. that'll work. meet by 11am, roll out 15-20 minutes later, lunch at 1:30pm?

    will QSL in valley view work for everyone?

    should we start a roll call of people who are definitely attending (some who aren't sure could put their names in with "?" next to it)

    I'll start it:

    that dude



  7. i hear ya. i'm trying to avoid riding an hour SW from mentor, ride for like 30 minutes and have lunch for 2 hours only to go back home. especially since sunday is supposedly going to have highest temps and only a bit of clouds for the next couple days.

    i think as long as we ride interesting, scenic roads, the ride will be fun and a good way to get some of the rust off. some curves would be nice, and they can be very pleasant if taken at sane speeds which i think we all want this early in the season.

  8. based on location of people who said they're in, why don't we meet at the valley view quaker steak and lube?

    also we still have to decide on a time.

    if we meet by 10:30am and roll out by 11am, we can get a couple hours of riding in, get lunch around 1pm, and get another couple hours of riding in.

    lunch could be at winking lizard or QSL if we're back in the area we started from.

  9. metroparks are in north royalton hinckley and strongsville..so that would work if we meet off 71 rt 82 by strongsville mall.i know my way around for the most part..outside of medina city limits there are plenty of country and county roads with some nice turns etc.( grew up in medina) how far south do you northern guys wanna go is the question. im central so whatevers clever with me

    I'm going to be riding from mentor (which is like 30 mins east of cleveland along the lake)

    so north is just fine with me... but i realize people are coming from south like akron and whatnot...

    it's sounding like north royalton/strongsville/and god knows how many other cities in that region is a good meeting spot.

    so how about a time? maybe like late morning? maybe meet at 11am so we can get some riding in, then hit up a place for lunch, and do the bulk of our riding when it is warmest?

    we could meet near the metroparks (I think there is a QSL near there?) ride a couple roads, eat somewhere when we get hungry and ride some more.


  10. if you wanted a v twin for the low and mid range power, but wanted a wider rev range, and wanted a bike that still handles well, you could try to pick up a RC51 or an older duc or aprilia... the only thing you'd have to worry about is the maintenance. but then that wouldnt be such a problem if you have the time and the know how to do your own wrenching.

    i can't say i've run into many maintenance issues with my aprilia though.

  11. dammit looks like i'm on my own on sat if sat doesnt work for anyone.

    as for sunday, i have to pick up the woman from the airport at 6pm, so that probably means, depending on where I am, I'll have to leave the group around 4pm so i can get to my house in time to get the car and get to the airport.

    at 50+ degrees, I don't think the roads will be so cold that there will be serious issues with traction. But it's sounding like most of you guys would prefer to do a casual ride, so maybe if anyone knows some scenic (with maybe even some gentle sweepers) routes we can hit and get a bite to eat somewhere, that would be just fine with me. the only places i know down south of north royalton is south of canton where all the good roads are. Near north royalton, I think there is a park or something like that, and maybe some scenic roads (like, they're actually called, scenic byway or something like that). plenty of food places there.

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